I very much appreciate you

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The next day, 8:26am

Stretching your body out you slowly opened your eyes up, looking up you saw Nines had his eyes closed still, his LED glowing yellow. You were more than happy to see that he had gone back to going into rest mode. Where he looked so peaceful.

The best part was that he was shirtless, he had told you that he wasn't going to wear the hoodie last night, of course you didn't argue with him at all.

'God look at him...' You thought to yourself as you dragged your eyes up and down his chest, to you he really was pure perfection. Of course he was designed to be perfect but he was the only person you'd say was truly perfect.

You switched your eyes to look back up at his face, lifting one of your hands you moved it to his face. You dragged three of your fingers along the side of his face, softly. A loud sigh left him as a small smile tugged at the side of his lips, you couldn't help the smile that lit your face up.

You also felt Nines's hand that was wrapped around your back flinch as the one resting your waist clenched a small amount.

To you this was a perfect morning, like every other morning was. Because you woke up next to Nines, what wasn't perfect about that?

Pressing your hand against his cheek completely you noticed that his eyes began to flutter open, you'd just pulled him from rest mode. Soon enough his soft blue eyes connected with yours.

"Good morning Y/N, you are aware that we do not need to get up, right?" Nines said, his voice sounding absolutely beautiful, he'd somehow made his voice sound sleepy and you really weren't sure how he'd done that. "What do you mean?" You asked, your voice coming out anything but flattering.

"We are suspended, we do not need to get up anytime soon." Nines pointed out to you, you opened your mouth before closing it again. "You forgot did you not?"

"I did..." You breathed out, feeling awfully stupid that you had forgotten you were suspended. Your natural body clock was what woke you up.

You had gotten so used to waking up early for work that it felt weird not to wake up, but now you could sleep in as late as you wanted to.

"I suggest trying to go back to sleep, your body and mind has missed out on quite a lot of sleep since this case began. This is the perfect time to catch up on sleep." Nines commented as he moved his hand from your waist and instead pressed it to the back of your neck.

His thumb naturally starting to rub up and down the back of your neck.

"You know what... that's a great idea... I like that idea..." You murmured as you pressed into Nines's touch, you loved when Nines did this to try and get you to go to sleep. It was surprising how well it worked. "I will wake you up in a couple of hours then we can go shopping." Nines told you as he pressed his face downwards and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

Nodding your head you closed your eyes and snuggled into Nines's bare chest more, he was just so warm it was very addictive to be that close.

"Yeah... shopping..." You whispered out while listening to Nines's alluring heartbeat, his body just did so many natural things that made you sleepy.

Soon enough you let the sleep take you...

Three hours later

"I feel really awake, is that a weird thing to say?" You asked Nines once you had stopped at a red light, you were currently on your way to go shopping. "It is not weird, you have slept more than what you normally would. Feeling more awake is what I expected to happen." Nines answered stealing a glance his way you saw he was looking out the window.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now