I cannot wait-

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Two hours later

You had just finished your meal that you and Nines had gone to get, you really didn't have to go far from the arcade. Nines had also declined your offer to go back to the arcade, simply because he said you looked tired. He wasn't wrong you had become quite tired.

"Are you ready to leave?" Nines asked as you dragged your eyes up to look at him, he was already looking at you very intently. "Yeah I am... what do you want to do now?" You asked Nines as a quiet yawn slipped from you.

"I would like to go home... please." Nines said as you nodded at him, you were fine with going home.

"Of course, I might take a nap when we get back." You mumbled as you rubbed your right eye, sleepily. "That is fine, I shall cuddle you while you nap." Nines responded as he made a pile of your plate and other things, he was being extremely polite.

"Let's go then." You sighed as you pushed your chair back and stood from it, Nines followed suit.

The two of you exited the building and moved straight towards your car, you could hear a clinking noise behind you so hooked your chin over your shoulder. Only to see Nines playing with the keyring that you got him, he wasn't paying any attention to you. Just the keyring.

He was currently spinning it around his index finger, he seemed very entertained by it.

Looking back ahead of yourself, you couldn't help the smile that formed.

'He genuinely likes the simple keyring that I won for him.' You thought to yourself as your car quickly came into your line of sight, you instantly noticed a part of the massive teddy bear showing.

You had no idea what you were going to do with it, yet you still loved it.

"Y/N..." Nines called out from behind you, again you hooked your chin over your shoulder to look at him. "Everything okay?" You questioned while looking around his face, he had a very neutral look on it.

"When we get home can you hold all of your stuffed toys just so I can look at how many you got?" Nines inquired as he raised a questioning eyebrow at you, the request was odd but then Nines was odd.

So it was kind of a normal thing to come from him.

"If you'd like... yeah." You answered as you reached the car, pulling your keys from your pocket you unlocked it.

Both you and Nines climbed into the car and you let out a content sigh, today had already proven to be the best day of your suspension so far. For many different reasons. Looking behind you all you could see was the massive teddy bear, it was almost the size of an actual person.

"It looks very good sat back there." Nines commented glancing to your left you saw the little smirk on his face. "Yeah... maybe I should keep it in my car." You suggested out loud, knowing that Nines wouldn't agree with that.

"Oh, no that is a bad idea. You should take it inside the house with us... for safe keeping." Nines declared as he reached his hand out and brushed his fingers over the teddies head. "You just want to see me struggle to find somewhere for it." You huffed as a quiet laugh left Nines, the amount of the things you had to take home from the arcade was quite impressive.

Nines had continued to prove that he was amazing at arcade machines.

"Perhaps." Nines mumbled as you glared at him, you had to bring it up again.

"At least I haven't been beaten three times at a dancing game." You commented with a wicked smirk on your lips, Nines had wanted another rematch and once again lost to you.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now