But don't let it drive you crazy

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23 minutes later

Normal P.O.V

"You are taking your time with your tea, I am not stupid." Nines pointed out to you and huffed at him for finally figuring what you were doing. "But it's gonna hurt..." You whined as you heard quiet laughter coming from Hank, you weren't sure why he found it so funny.

"It may hurt, but you know I will be as careful as possible. Now stop trying avoid it." Nines told you as you grabbed the mug from your desk and drank the rest. "Fine... let's get this over and done with. We'll be back soon." You told Hank and Connor as you stood from your chair and went with Nines towards the bathroom.

Entering the bathroom Nines guided you towards the sink and turned the tap on, you weren't looking forward to having your arm cleaned. Nines turned his body to face you and tilted his head at you.

"You good?" You asked Nines, who smiled instantly.

"I am good, I know you do not want this done but-"

"I know you're just trying to keep me healthy, it just hurts sometimes. Can I squeeze your arm if it hurts?" You asked him as you took a step closer to him. "Of course you can, by the way I did miss you while you were gone, just in case you were not aware." Nines told you as he made the noise of clearing his throat, which was funny to you.

"I sure hope you did, I missed you too... even though we weren't apart for long." You admitted to Nines feeling your cheeks heat up a small amount.

"I am glad you also missed me." Nines mumbled with a smile on his face, you were curious if him and Connor spoke at all. But you were scared to ask just in case they had a dispute. "Give me one moment."

Nines went off to do something so you just stood there like an idiot, you were just excited to do nothing tonight. Except for having to let Nines clean your arm, otherwise he'd pester you. Soon Nines returned and wet something under the tap.

"Could you take the bandaging off for me?" Nines asked you, rather than verbally responding to him you pulled your jacket off and chucked it over Nines's shoulder.

You expected him to say something but he didn't, now he was like some kind of personal coat hanger too. Laughing to yourself you started to undo the bandaging so Nines could get to your stitches. It didn't hurt at the moment, but it did itch a small amount. Once it was off you dangled it in his face.

"What should I do with it?" You asked Nines who looked at you with his eyes before nodding to the side of the sink. "Just place it there, are you ready?" Nines questioned as you placed the bandaging to the side of the sink.

"As ready as I'll ever be..." You mumbled in response as Nines squeezed some of the water from what he was cleaning your arm with.

"Just stay still." Nines commanded as he lifted it to your arm and lightly brushed the skin around your stitches.

You didn't want to look at them, they kind of freaked you out because of how gross the whole thing was. So you just started looking around the bathroom to keep your eyes and mind occupied.

"The wound is already healing quite well, there are no signs of infection either. Hopefully it will not take long for it to heal fully." Nines told you as you moved your eyes to look at him, he seemed very in the zone right now. That was when he sometimes looked his most attractive. "Well, good news it doesn't hurt while you're cleaning it at the moment." You commented as he lifted his head and smiled at you, before going back to cleaning your arm.

"That is certainly good news, just a few more seconds then I shall be done. I will dry it and re-dress it with new bandage." Nines informed you as he continued to clean your arm, but you had no idea how he was going to do that. You only had the one you were wearing. "We don't have anymore..." You muttered as Nines pulled away from your arm and stood up straight, placing down what was in his hand he reached into his pocket and pulled a packaged bandage.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now