Let's try now

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Next morning, 10:43am

The sound of a dog barking awoke you, your eyes slowly fluttering open. Tilting your head up you were as normal met with Nines's, you thought that maybe the barking would have pulled him out of rest mode. But his eyes were still firmly shut and his LED glowed yellow still.

You smiled to yourself as the barking noise stopped, which you were happy about as you were worried that it would disturb Nines eventually.

You had no idea what time it was, but you knew it was probably past eight in the morning, simply because the sunlight was shining through your curtains. You could see Nines clearly, his hair was slightly out of place.

A lot of his hair had fallen down onto his face, so it wasn't just the rebellious hair he normally had, it was most of his hair. He looked as peaceful as he normally does, once again Nines had slept shirtless just because he knew that you liked it. His soft skin just underneath your fingertips, you couldn't help but press your fingers down into his chest a small amount.

As normal you started to pay attention to where his hands were, one of them was of course wrapped around your back. Keeping you held flush against his chest, but his second hand was resting on your hip, completely locking you into place.

Not that you minded.

You'd been suspended before but since getting Nines you'd barely had time off, so being home with him like this felt weird... but also like it was meant to be.

Like you two were supposed to be like this together.

You lowered your eyes from his face and started to look down his chest, you could see it rising then falling. To this day it still amazed you that Androids simulated breathing to seem more human, Nines had done it since you met him so you assumed it was something that was programmed into them.

The sound of his alluring heartbeat caught your attention quite quickly, you always enjoyed listening to it. It was perfect.

A small yawn slipped from your mouth and that's when you felt Nines's body shift, slowly you tilted your head up only to see Nines looking down at you.

"Good morning, beautiful." Nines breathed out as he stared down at you, his voice was husky and deeper than it normally was when he said 'beautiful'.

"Good morning, Nines." You mumbled, you yawning must have pulled him from his rest mode. "What time is it?"

"It is ten fifty-two am, you have had a considerable lay in." Nines informed you as your eyes widened, you hadn't slept in this late for a very long time. "You're joking right?" You asked thinking that he wasn't being serious about it.

"I am not, how do you feel today?" Nines questioned you, his LED glowing its neutral blue colour.

"I feel... well rested to be honest, the time it is kinda explains why I feel that way." You laughed breathily, as Nines's thumb started to caress your hip. "Yes it does explain why you feel that way, I am glad that you have slept well. I do not think I have spent so long in rest mode before." Nines commented as you smiled at him, you still didn't feel confident enough to ask what rest mode was like.

You would ask one day, just today wasn't that day.

"I guess it's lucky we aren't pressed for time today..." You muttered with a tiny smirk on your lips, this only made Nines smirk back at you.

"You could even go back to sleep if you wanted to, however, I know that you are feeling hungry." Nines chuckled and he wasn't wrong you were starving, you'd just been trying not to think about it. "I really am hungry... like really hungry..." You mumbled in an embarrassed way, but this only made Nines smile at you.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now