Clearly, you are just better

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15 minutes later

Nines had won you at least five more teddies which you had once again taken to the car, both you and Nines couldn't use any more of the machines because your hands were full. Again you and Nines had just re-entered the building and you were ready to show him the last section of machines, they were a lot like the claw machines.

Just pure luck.

Well for a human anyway.

Nines would definitely figure out a way to make it easy, to guarantee that you got something at the end of it.

"Okay so the next lot of machines are just like the claw machines, knowing you, you'll find a way to make it look super easy though." You mumbled as you led Nines towards the machines, his thumb caressing the back of your hand. "There is always a technique for everything." Nines commented his voice quiet as you made it to where you wanted to be, the slot machines.

As expected Nines found a way to make them look completely easy, as they were ones with small prizes in he gave most of the things to you. You had got a couple of things too, and handed them to him.

There was one last thing you wanted to try and get Nines to do, you really weren't sure if he'd allow it but you were going to try anyway. You hadn't told him where you were going but he just let you lead him around, you really had no idea how long you'd been here now.

But you didn't care, you weren't feeling hungry at all so there was no reason to worry.

Soon the thing you wanted to try to get Nines to do came into your view, it was something you could both do at the same time. But you really weren't sure if he would be too embarrassed to try it. Without making it obvious that's where you were going you slowly approached the area it was in.

"What are we doing next?" Nines asked you, glancing up at his face you saw how curious he looked.

"Funny you should ask that..." You mumbled as you turned your head to look at the ddr right beside you, you had no idea if Nines would be okay with dancing like this. "I do not know what that is..." Nines muttered as you looked back to him, he was staring at the ddr machine now.

"It's uh... well... you and another person dance and you have to step where it tells you. You can basically challenge each other as well." You explained in the simplest way possible, Nines tilted his head to the side as he peered at the machine. "So it is a game for dancing?" Nines questioned you, his eyes flickering back to look at you.

"It is..." You replied as Nines's LED flashed between yellow and red, you were just preparing yourself for him to say no.

"Are you good at this?" Nines inquired, as you widened your eyes a small amount.

"I used to be when I was younger." You admitted honestly, while thinking back to how much you used to enjoy doing it. "Then it would be relatively fair as I am at a natural advantage being an Android." Nines declared as a wicked smirk adorned his face, he was being so big headed.

"Oh... Nines you are about to get your ass beaten by a human." You told him as you moved to the machine ready to challenge Nines.

"I highly doubt that, I am perfect after all." Nines snorted as he also stepped up to it, his hand letting go of yours. "You'll be eating your words soon enough, as I'm nice I'll let you pick the song." You said folding your arms over your chest in a challenging way, you were going to put all of your effort in so you could beat Nines.

"Are you sure you do not want to make it easier for yourself?" Nines asked, he was being far too smug for someone who had never even tried this before.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now