I just remembered

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27 minutes later

He was still doing it.

Every few minutes he would look at her, it was not just a glance. It was a loving stare.

After everything he has done to her, he does not get to do that.

He hurt her so much.

"We'll get outta your hair soon, Y/N, feel like we've uh kinda overstayed our welcome." The Lieutenant said as he looked over towards me and Y/N. "It's fine..." Y/N muttered while she played with her sleeve.

I believe that she wanted them gone.

"Y/N, could I possibly speak to you in private before we leave?"

The moment that left RK800's mouth my attention snapped to him, I knew he was going to try this.

I just knew it.

And it made me mad that I was right.

I had to stop this from happening, I could not let them be alone together.

I needed to make an excuse to stop this.

And I needed to think extremely fast.

"I am extremely sorry Lieutenant, RK800 but I must unfortunately ask you to leave." I called out as everyone's eyes were automatically on me, I still needed to find an excuse.

"What are you talking about, Nines?" Y/N asked me, she genuinely looked shocked that I had said that, even I was feeling shocked now.

Why did I say that?

It was impulsive.

"I just remembered. Y/N promised that she would go to sleep extremely early tonight, she is trying to catch up on sleep." I blurted out.

For once... I am the idiot.

Not RK800.

Like they were going to believe that.

"I don't remember promising that..." Y/N mumbled while frowning at me.

"Human memories are not as good as Android memories." I pointed out as I looked towards RK800, he looked angry.

Angry with me.

The moment our eyes connected he knew.

He knew what I was doing.

Perhaps he was not as stupid as I thought, he is still stupid but I hope he knows now.

And I hope it infuriates him.

"God, blue eyes you're so weird... we'll leave in a few minutes." Hank said but that is not what I wanted.

That's when RK800 smirked at me.

"As we have a few minutes could we talk in private now, Y/N?" RK800 asked while smiling at Y/N.

I would not stoop so low to curse but there were many I could use to describe RK800 and all of them were very accurate.

Looking to Y/N she looked at me before looking back to RK800.

"Yeah sure... we can talk in the kitchen." She sighed before standing from the sofa, the smug look on RK800's face just made me want to punch him. "Perfect we will back in a few minutes." RK800 said, cheerfully.

He clearly had no idea what lengths I would go to, to ruin his conversation with Y/N.

But he was about to find out.

Normal P.O.V

Even though Nines had made himself look like a complete weirdo you appreciated his attempt to stop your conversation with Connor from happening. You were glad that it was only going to be for a few minutes and that you'd suggested the kitchen. Somewhere where Nines would still hear things even if they weren't clear.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now