I'm about to cancel it

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Normal P.O.V

As soon as you opened the door, Nines took one look at your face and began to laugh, which only made you glare at him. Why the hell was he laughing at you?

"What the fuck are you laughing at?" You questioned as Nines's laughter only deepened, he was far too gone in laughing for you to get anything from him. "Nines... I'm serious what the fuck are you laughing at?"

Again this only deepened his laughter more.

"Y-Yo-" He immediately cut himself off with more laughter, it was slowly becoming completely uncontrollable.

"Jesus fucking Christ..." You grumbled as you then turned around and stomped back into the bathroom to turn the shower off.

Maybe giving him a chance to calm down was best.

Turning the shower off you turned to Nines who was still laughing at you, folding your arms over your chest you just glared at him. You were really unsure what was so funny.

"You-Your face!" Nines finally exclaimed as his laughter then continued, pushing past Nines you moved straight towards your bedroom to use your bigger mirror.

When you looked into the mirror you realised exactly what he was laughing at, your cheeks were bright red from the heat the shower had caused. Now they were going even redder from embarrassment, it now made complete sense why he was laughing at you.

"You're horrible..." You grumbled as you looked back to Nines, who was struggling to hold his laughter in currently.

"I am- I am not." Nines laughed as he continued to reel his laughter in, he was obviously trying his hardest to stop laughing but your bright red face was not helping. "Yes you are! Stop laughing at my face!" You huffed which only made him burst with laughter again.

The fact that Connor was even at the door a few minutes ago wasn't even at the front of your mind right now. Just the fact that Nines was laughing at you.

"I am- I am sorry... you are right that is very horrible of me..." Nines said through his laughter, the laughter slowly dying down.

"You aren't sorry." You commented as he started to laugh again, he was just lucky that these things couldn't happen to him. "I am!" Nines exclaimed as deep chuckles continued to slip from his mouth.

"You know what I had something nice planned for tomorrow but... I'm about to cancel it." You warned Nines with a very serious look on your face, you were super serious too.

You were going to change your mind on it.

Nines quickly pulled his laughter back in and stood up straight, a very neutral look on his face.

"Please do not do that..." Nines mumbled, a very vulnerable look crossing into his eyes, he could see how serious you were. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't." You told Nines whose LED started to flash yellow, you had a feeling he was about to think of the best reason ever.

"Because I have stopped laughing and I love spending time with you, plus with the way you said it, indicates that you are most likely excited about the plan so if you cancel it we shall both be upset." Nines said as he raised an eyebrow at you, all you could do was let out a sigh.

'Fuck that's a really good fucking reason' You thought to yourself, you knew he'd give a good reason, you wanted one and he certainly delivered.

"Fuck... that... that was a really good reason not to..." You huffed as you unfolded your arms from your chest and let them just drop to your sides. "I know, I made sure that it was, what are we doing tomorrow?" Nines asked as he took two small steps towards you.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now