Yep... I'll pay...

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Four and a half hours later

Stretching your body out you opened your eyes and tilted your head up to look at Nines, of course he was already looking down at you. His LED glowing yellow.

"Hello." He called out, his voice sounding awfully cheery.

"Hi... why are you so happy?" You asked as you dragged your hand across his chest and rubbed one of your eyes. "You have slept for quite a while, that makes me happy." Nines told you as you raised a sleepy eyebrow at him.

"Is it dinner time yet?" You asked ignoring what he said, you still felt so tired and you'd woken up with a headache. "It is close, yes, is everything okay?" Nines asked his happy expression changing to a frown, while his LED blinked yellow.

"I have a headache, Nines..." You mumbled before lowering your head and pushing it into his chest.

"It is probably the lack of sleep that has caused your headache, I can get you some painkillers if you would like." Nines offered as the hand that wasn't wrapped around you pressed itself against the side of your head. "No... I'm happy here..." You mumbled your words muffled even more because you were talking into his synthetic skin.

"I will not force you." Nines told you as two of his fingers started to massage one of your temples.

"Can we order food to the room?" You asked Nines, finally deciding that you weren't leaving the safety of his chest. "Of course we can, let me know when you are ready for food and I shall order it." Nines answered as he continued to massage one of your temples, it was weird to you.

Somehow you had already gotten used to Nines being shirtless, you actually really liked it. For some reason you were more comfortable. Was it that his skin was so warm and soft? Maybe. You really couldn't figure it out.

The two of you just laid there, Nines continued to soothe your temple while you rested on his chest, one of your hands absentmindedly starting to draw circles on some of his skin.

"That feels awfully weird for some reason..." Nines murmured out of the blue, that's when you realised what you had been doing. "Oh! I'm sorry, I can stop if it's annoying." You told him as a quiet nervous laugh left you.

"No, it feels weird, but I like it." Nines told you, raising your head you looked back up at him and saw him smiling down at you. "Can I just say... you really need something for your lower body. Those jeans of yours are awful to sleep next to." You giggled as you kicked one of his legs with your foot.

"I was expecting it to become uncomfortable, shall we order both of us some clothes?" Nines questioned his LED glowing between yellow and blue.

'New clothes for me? Yes please. New clothes for Nines? Absolutely.' You thought to yourself before smiling widely at Nines.

"Absolutely... but we can't get too much... I still owe you a shopping trip." You reminded Nines whose smile quickly spread across his face, to the point he was basically smiling from ear to ear. "I did not forget that, I am just getting myself something new to wear to bed." Nines chuckled his eyes filled with joy.

"I'll get my phone." You told Nines as you pulled yourself away from him, then leant towards the bed side table and grabbed your phone off of it. "Can we still cuddle?"

Nines nodded at you as he held his arm out, you shimmied towards him and sat beside him. He pulled you closer to himself and held you there with his arm. Your head still hurt, but you knew Nines would deal with that eventually. He was just like that.

You unlocked your phone and instantly went to look for clothes for yourself. Nines could wait. You started to scroll through some of the clothes as you felt Nines rest the side of his head against yours, looking up with your eyes you saw a very peaceful look on Nines's face.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now