Which one do you like?

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Stepping out into your back garden you started looking around, that's when you realised you really needed to probably tidy the garden at some point. Luckily the grass hadn't gone insane yet, so it was perfect for you and Nines to set the blanket down onto.

"Can I put the blanket down anywhere?" Nines asked as he slowly started to unfold the blanket, waiting for your direction. "Yeah you can place it down anywhere you want." You told Nines who threw the blanket up into the air while holding onto it still.

Before then laying it onto the ground, neatly.

"Is this okay?" Nines questioned, as he looked up at you.

"It's perfect." You responded.

You crouched down to place the things you were holding down, before then laying your body out onto the blanket. Nines was casually glancing over at the items you had placed down, so you cleared your throat to catch his attention. Which worked. His eyes darted to look at you as you then patted the spot beside you on the blanket.

But he didn't move.


"I am going to go and get an extra blanket, the temperature will most likely drop more and I do not want you to get cold." Nines informed you as he then made his way back towards the house, you thought it was sweet that he was worried about you getting cold.

Sitting up you decided maybe you should surprise Nines by unpacking the items, they really were mostly for you but you wanted him to at least try it. So you opened the container up and made room for the small pot inside of the container. You then went to opening the pot which you struggled with at first, then placed it down into its area in the container.

Nines didn't take too long in retrieving another blanket, you heard the door open again as Nines stepped out with an extra blanket in his hand. He made his way straight towards you as he placed the other blanket down onto the corner of the one you were laying it.

He was in his own little world so didn't notice what was right next to you.

"Thank you for getting that." You thanked trying to grab his attention.

"You are wel-" Nines stopped talking when his eyes met the container next to you, slowly he sat down and started to inspect it. "Those are strawberries."

"They are." You confirmed as Nines looked up at you, then back down to the container. "With chocolate sauce?" Nines seemed very puzzled as he looked over the container, you knew there was a chance he'd never heard of chocolate covered strawberries.

"Shall I show you what they are for?" You asked Nines who nodded his head almost immediately, you grabbed a strawberry from the container.

Then pressed half of it into the chocolate sauce, before then pulling it back out, now Nines was just staring at you in bewilderment. It was adorable. Raising it to your lips you realised how intently he was staring at you, he was literally watching every single movement you made.

Opening your mouth you took a bite of the strawberry, then began to chew, a smile on your face as you looked at Nines.

"May I try that?" Nines asked you as you saw him eyeing up a strawberry that was sat in the container. "Of course you can, that's why I did this. I wanted you to try it." You told him as he wasted no time in grabbing a strawberry.

He did the same actions as you, which you watched him do. You started to feel a small amount of nervousness when he raised it to his mouth and took a bite. You were worried he'd hate the taste of it.

You knew he was making his decision when his LED started to flash yellow.

"What's your opinion on it?" You asked, Nines blinked a couple of times before smiling at you.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now