I tried to stop them...

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Three hours later

"Y/N..." A voice called out to you, in an instant you were very aware and opened your eyes. You had actually fallen asleep. "I am sorry to wake you, I just wanted to check on you..."

Looking up with your eyes you saw Nines looking down on you, his LED was glowing yellow. You dragged your hand towards your face to rub your eyes, but you stopped when Nines's eyes widened. You looked down to your hand and realised it was because you were literally touching his bare synthetic skin.

"Sorry..." You croaked out.

"Do not apologise, how are you?" Nines asked you, he lifted his arm that was wrapped around you and dragged his hand down your cheek, lightly. "I'm okay... I can't believe I fell asleep..." You admitted as you looked back up at him, he had a happy smile on his face.

He was happy that you had slept.

"I will admit it took a lot to get you to go to sleep, I think that me playing with your hair and soothing you was what made you fall asleep." Nines commented while he continued to stare at you, his fingers grazing over your cheek every few seconds.

"You mean you caressing the back of my neck?" You mumbled vaguely remembering that Nines was doing that a lot, as well as playing with your hair. "Yes, that. You are still so tired... I did not want to wake you up, but I needed to check you were okay." Nines sighed, you shifted a small amount and moved your hand so it was resting against his collarbone.

"So I can go back to sleep now?" You asked but the look on his face said otherwise, he creased his eyebrows together in a guilty way. "Nines..."

"I may have accidentally got angry at RK800 constantly trying to contact me to see if you had spoken..." Nines looked away in embarrassment as a very light dusting of blue reached his cheeks.

"What did you do?" You questioned him as the blush deepened, slightly.

"He just would not stop... you were not there to stop me... so I told him you had spoken a few words to me... in an attempt to rub it in his face..." Nines admitted his voice sounded very small and embarrassed, you couldn't even be mad at him. His and Connor's hate for each other was annoying but the fact that Nines had turned to being petty because Connor wouldn't leave him alone was funny to you.

"Did it work?" You asked while small giggles left you.

"I-I yes it worked he did not sound happy... I am sorry for doing that. He is so infuriating and never shuts up, I just wanted him to be quiet. It rendered him quite speechless actually." Nines explained to you, the guilty look still on his face. You knew there was more.

"Nines... is there more you need to tell me?" You inquired as the blush deepened even more he was soon going to be the colour of a blueberry. "I was planning on waking you up at some point to check on you... however... I regret to inform you that both the Lieutenant and RK800 are coming here..." Nines whispered out, he looked so embarrassed and guilty at the same time.

You didn't really want Hank and Connor here right now, it just meant tons of questions would be thrown at you. You weren't sure you'd be able to handle that right now, especially not with Connor. You weren't mad at Nines it wasn't his fault that Connor was pushy and wouldn't stop bugging him.

"I tried to stop them... it did not work... I told them you were asleep... but the Lieutenant said you would not mind... I really did try..." Nines explained to you, this time you lifted your hand and rubbed it down your face, you really weren't happy now. "I am sorry..."

"It's okay... it's not your fault, did you really want to check on me too?" You asked as his eyes widened.

"Yes of course, but they ruined my plan... now we must get up. I must also put my shirt back on. I do not think RK800 or the Lieutenant would be very impressed by my bare chest." Nines stated as he looked down at his chest, naturally you did the same. Now you just wanted to tease him.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now