No! I said... fine...

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In the end Nines had managed to get you to put your middle finger down and out of his face by promising to cook you breakfast in the morning, you were a simple woman to negotiate with. The moment cooked breakfast was mentioned you were sold.

Except now he was threatening to take it away.

"Y/N, if you do not come here right now I will not cook you breakfast tomorrow morning." Nines threatened from one side of the dining room table, you just smirked at him. "We made a deal... you can't... can't take it away..." You slurred in a very confident way, to you there was no way you were losing this one.

Nines had made the fatal error in setting you on the ground to shut the front door, instantly you made a drunken run for it.

"I most certainly can, deals can be broken... now come here." Nines ordered, his authoritative tone only making you want to continue. Simply because... it was hot.

"Make me." You challenged Nines who narrowed his eyes at you, he wasn't impressed by you at all.

"You do not want me to do that, I can assure you of that." Nines basically growled, you could tell that you were testing his patience. The once calm and collected Android with no feelings could now be irritated. "Oh but I want it..." You teased as you winked at him, for a split second his eyes widened in shock before he then shook his head and narrowed his eyes at you once more.

"Y/N you are seriously testing my patience, I will catch you and throw you over my shoulder if I have to." Nines threatened, this was obviously his last warning to you. "Make the right choice."

'Make the wrong choice? I can do that...' You thought to yourself, loving the idea of him catching you and slinging you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

With that you moved around the table a small amount, Nines moved too keeping his eyes locked onto you.

"Y/N, I am completely serious. This is your last chance." Nines warned you as he creased his eyebrows together, you knew you were playing a dangerous game with Nines.

He wasn't the type to joke about these things, he was going to catch you no matter what you did.

"Last chance, huh?" You asked, wiggling your eyebrow at him, that's how he knew you weren't going to give in. "Y/N..." Nines growled as you sprinted away from the table and ran towards the living room.

"Y/N L/N! Get back here right now!" Nines yelled after you as you heard him running after you, it really didn't take long for him to catch up.

In a matter of seconds you felt Nines wrap his arms around you and in one swift motion you were being slung over his shoulder, you let out an excited and surprised squeal.

"Weee!" You giggled as Nines's grip on you tightened.

"I gave you plenty of warnings, Y/N, it is not my fault that you did not listen to them." Nines huffed as he bounced you on his shoulder, this only made you giggle again. "But this... this is what I... I wanted..." You snorted, your words still heavily slurred, that's when Nines stopped in his tracks.

"What did you say?" Nines questioned as you widened your eyes, that wasn't the response that was supposed to come out of your mouth.

"I mean... oh no... you... you caught me!" You whined, even though it was probably too late and completely obvious to Nines that's what you wanted him to do. "Yes I am sure that is what you originally said." Nines chuckled as he started walking again, you knew he was taking you to the bedroom.

He still had to go out and lock the car, he knew you wouldn't stay, yet he was still taking you to your bedroom. Maybe he was hopeful that you'd do as you were told.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now