Stop it! Both of you!

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The next day, 3:09am

The piercing sound of your phone pulled you from your sleep, you jumped awake and instantly looked up at Nines to see that he was already looking down at you. Even he looked quite startled by the sound.

"Who the hell is it? And what time is it?!" You groaned as Nines pulled one of his arms from around you and reached out for your phone. "All I know is that it is ten past three in the morning." Nines answered as your phone stopped ringing before he could grab it, this caused Nines to huff.

Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you groaned again, as Nines pulled away from you and the two of you sat up. In this moment you were completely confused by what was going on. Nines had now turned one of the bedside lamps on so everything was illuminated. Soon your phone started to ring again, this time Nines grabbed it immediately and answered it for you.

"Y/N has only just managed to wake up- I see... yes of course Lieutenant we shall be ready as quickly as possible. Okay- yes. See you soon." Nines hung up the phone call and looked over at you.

"What's going on?" You asked Nines who looked confused himself.

"I am not sure, Hank did not say much. All he said is we needed to be ready as quickly as possible. Him and RK800 are on their way here now." Nines admitted which made you frown, not at Nines but the fact that Hank hadn't really told him anything.

But then maybe Hank didn't know much either...

"Alright... we best get ready, do you want the room or the bathroom?" You asked Nines who looked down at himself and what he was wearing. "I shall go to the bathroom, it will not take me long to change into my uniform." Nines declared as he then climbed out of the bed and moved towards your wardrobe to collect his clothes.

Wiping your eyes once more you climbed out of bed too and went over to your wardrobe too, Nines had just finished collecting his clothing.

"I shall make you a tea to have in a travel mug, I will meet you in the living room." Nines told you as he pressed himself closer to you and kissed your temple.

With that he strode towards the door, you were too tired to really respond to him but it was nice that he knew you were tired. Shaking your head you looked back to your wardrobe as Nines closed the door.

"Actually... I am changing outside of the room!" Nines called out from the other side of the door.

"Okay!" You called out before giggling to yourself, he was still trying to keep you reassured that no one would hurt you. Grabbing some clothing out of the wardrobe you immediately started to shuffle around the room while changing your clothes.

After a few minutes you heard Nines knock on the door before he spoke. "I have left my clothing next to the door, I will be in the kitchen. If you need me just yell as loud as you can." Nines told you and you couldn't help but smile to yourself, it was so early in the morning but he was still being as sweet as he could be. "I will! I won't be much longer hopefully!" You called back to him, you then heard him move towards the kitchen.

You continued to get changed being as quick as you could about it, whatever what was going on was obviously very serious. Rushing to your mirror you started to put your hair up because there was no time to shower, this was the best you could do.

Once you were sure you were ready you grabbed your gun and badge, then left the room but stopped when you saw Nines's clothes on the floor. Picking them up you moved back into your bedroom and placed them onto the bottom of the unmade bed. Nodding to yourself you then moved towards the living room, catching sight of Nines straight away.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now