Shall we continue?

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"You have been looking at the menu for ten minutes, Y/N." Nines pointed out to you, making you peer up at him through your lashes. "There's so much to choose from, Nines, give me some time." You huffed before looking back down at the menu, your eyes scanning over the items again.

"You have had time, ten minutes to be exact." Nines commented his voice sounding very serious, again you looked up at him through your lashes, but this time you were glaring at him. "Nines, do me a favour and shut up." You grumbled as you then looked back down at the menu.

"It is not my fault you are highly indecisive, pick your top four." Nines ordered as he pressed his forefinger down onto the menu, meaning it was pressed down a small amount. "Nope... we're not doing that again." You groaned, then swatted his finger away from the menu.

That was when the menu was plucked from your grasp, you let out a loud huff shooting your eyes up to look at Nines angrily. He looked very unbothered by your attitude and started to look at then menu himself.

"What are you doing?" You asked as you raised your hands into the air slightly, Nines said nothing and continued to look over the menu. "Give me the menu back, I can't choose what I want if I can't see what's on the menu."

"Pick a number one, two, three or four." Nines commanded, but you had no idea why he wanted you to pick a number.

"What am I picking? How many times I punch you?" You questioned, you weren't annoyed at Nines really, you were just hungry. Like really hungry. "No, you are picking your meal. I narrowed down the options for you, so pick a number, Y/N." Nines explained his voice held quite an authoritative tone, which to you was hot.

'Oh that was kind of sexy...' You thought to yourself before then thinking of teasing him and pushing his buttons.

"And what if I don't pick one?" You asked as Nines narrowed his eyes at you, an almost playful look in his eyes. "Then I shall choose for you, now pick you have one minute to choose before I do." Nines warned you, his voice still held that authoritative tone.

"Fine, three." You sighed, even though you wanted nothing more than to hear that tone of voice again.

"Okay, so three for the meal. Now pick another number it is still out of four." Nines demanded as a smirk formed on his lips.

He was having far too much fun winding you up.

"Two..." You mumbled as Nines then waved someone down so he could order.

Once the order was placed they took the menu from you and disappeared, they seemed quite confused when you ordered for one until they saw Nines's LED. But they didn't look at him in a judgmental way at all.

"What were the other options?" You asked out of curiosity, but Nines's face was blank.

"Oh, I am not telling you that. Otherwise you may regret your decision." Nines stated as he folded his hands together on top of the table, you should have expected him to be awkward about it. "But I want to know." You whined, pushing your lips out into a pout, hoping that would sway him to tell you.

"As adorable as you look, I am still not telling you." Nines declared making you roll your eyes at him.

"Meanie..." You muttered under your breath, except you hoped he heard you this time.

"I heard that." Nines commented as you gave him the smuggest smile you could make, you wanted him to know you meant for him to hear you. "That's the point... I wanted you to hear it..." You snorted as you placed one of your hands onto the table.

"Punching that woman twice has made you extra mean." Nines mumbled.

"Oh... I see do you fancy sitting on the doorstep all night long tonight?" You asked Nines in a threatening tone, which only made him smirk deeply at you. "That is Android cruelty, you cannot do that." Nines gasped but it was fake, he was just trying to annoy you.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now