No! I love it!

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Once the item had been pulled out of the case it was in you allowed Nines to see it, his attention was instantly on it when you held your hand out to take it from the woman.

"This is for you." You declared as you took the item from the woman and held it out to Nines, who gingerly took it from you. "It is a keyring..." Nines commented as he stared down at the keyring you had chosen for him.

It was simple just like you had wanted it to be.

But it was something he could keep with him if he desired to.

"It is... compared to you I suck at those games." You snorted as you watched Nines dangle the keyring in front of himself.

He was staring at it like it was some kind of prized possession, even though it was literally just a keyring.

"You used your little amount of tickets to get something for me... why?" Nines asked you while he continued to stare at the keyring, you had to quickly think of a reason why other than that you wanted to. "Because this was a new experience for you, hopefully that will be a reminder of it." You explained to Nines as you nodded to the keyring he held in front of his face. "Do you not like it?"

"No! I love it!" Nines exclaimed the moment you reached out to take the keyring from him, he also retracted his hand and shoved it into his pocket. "I love it, thank you for getting it for me."

You couldn't help but laugh at his outburst, but mostly you were just happy that he liked it.

"You're welcome, now hurry up and pick something to get with your tickets. We have other things to do." You giggled as he nodded and looked back to the items before then quietly talking to the person at the counter.

Shaking your head you turned away for a few seconds, looking towards your next destination. It was one of the most infuriating arcade machines to exist but you still wanted Nines to experience it.

"Y/N, I have got my prize." Nines called out to you, turning to face him you were instantly met with a huge teddy bear being shoved into your face. "What the hell, Nines?!" You huffed as you stepped back slightly to avoid the huge teddy bear.

"It is for you." Nines declared as he pressed the teddy towards you again.

"You're joking right?" You asked in disbelief, of course Nines had to pick the biggest fucking thing around. "I am not." Nines replied as he smiled brightly at you, it was a very innocent and sweet smile. There was no way you could be mad at him.

"You had to pick the biggest fucking thing going." You giggled as you took the teddy from his hold, you'd be lying if you said you weren't happy.

In fact you were actually ecstatic about it, no one had ever done this for you before.

"Well, I did have a lot of tickets, so yes I did." Nines snorted.

"I can't carry this around the arcade!" You whined as you shook the teddy a small amount, this only made Nines laugh at you.

He pulled his keyring out of his pocket and dangled it in front of himself. "It seems I do not have that issue, therefore it is your problem to solve." He teased as pulled the keyring into his hand and shoved it back into his pocket.

"Nines! This is so unfair!" You cried out as you naturally hugged the teddy closer, you appreciated it so much.

You didn't at all expect him to use his tickets on you, especially not all of them. But he had. He used all of them to get the biggest teddy they had.

"Shall we take it to the car and then come back in?" Nines asked you, a deep smirk on his lips. He was enjoying watching you hold onto this giant teddy. "Yes fucking please, he's gonna need a whole backseat spot." You responded through laughter, rather than taking the teddy from you he started walking.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now