What is so funny?

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37 minutes later

Connor and Hank had just left your room to go back home, Hank didn't want to overload you and he really needed to sleep. He'd only just managed to get Connor to leave told him that you would be fine with Nines. Of course Connor tried to argue with him which annoyed Nines you could tell he was getting annoyed by Connor quite quickly.

In the end Hank had made Nines agree to give Connor an update every few hours, as you expected Nines was very reluctant about it but when Hank said he'd also appreciate them, it was like Nines couldn't say no to him.

Now it was just you and Nines, once again the room you were given had two beds and a bathroom with it. It was a lot bigger than the last hotel room, but you were just glad it was a hotel not a house. You could hear Nines moving around the room, you turned your head to see what he was doing.

He had just lifted the bag Connor packed you into the bed that was across from the one you were sat on, he seemed quite curious as to what Connor packed. Opening the bag you instantly heard him click his tongue, he obviously wasn't impressed by what he saw.

"Well, it looks like we shall be ordering you some new clothes. Absolutely awful taste... you would think he wears a trash bag for clothes with his fashion taste." Nines commented as you watched him start to pull some clothes out, he pulled a top out and held it up to show you. "He did not even fold it, now it is all... creased."

A laugh escaped from you, which made Nines instantly smile at you, it was quite funny to you that he was going through the stuff Connor had packed.

"Do not worry... you have like four different pyjama sets." Nines said as he shrugged his shoulders, he had stopped pulling things out and was instead just looking through the bag. "I see... there is a slight issue that has arisen."

"Which is?" You asked, your voice sounded small and weak.

"Well, he only packed for you. I do not have the things I wear when you sleep. This is very irritating." Nines huffed as stared down at the bag, angrily, like it was the bags fault.

"It's okay..." You breathed out, no matter how hard you tried your voice just sounded so weak, small and broken.

"It is not, I cannot let you lay your head onto my shirt. I could order some things... but I would probably have to get them delivered to the Lieutenants house and make RK800 bring them here." Nines said aloud, you could tell the end of the sentence was more him talking to himself rather than talking to you.

"Would you find it uncomfortable if I just took my shirt off? You have slept on me when my upper body is bare before... but I will not do it if it will make you uncomfortable." Nines declared as he looked up at you, the only thing that entered your mind was him shirtless.

'Yummy...' Was the only thought that crossed your mind, you weren't even sure why you had that thought.

"You can." You answered feeling that your cheeks had warmed up a small amount while thinking of him shirtless. Watching Nines you saw the smallest tint of blue reach his cheeks. "Then the only issue is my lower body, I promise I shall find a solution for that." Nines reassured you as he stood up straight and pulled his jacket off of himself.

'Could just sleep in your boxers.' You suggested inside your head as that image crossed your mind, that's when the heat rapidly rose to your face. 'Why did I even think that?! What is wrong with you, your life was just threatened and now you're thinking of Nines almost naked!'

You were too busy in your own world to notice Nines walking towards you, until he was stood right in front of you. Tilting your head back you gulped knowing he could see your red cheeks, but rather than mentioning them he held his jacket out to you.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now