But I can possibly find her...

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Next day, 9:16am

"I hate this car..." You mumbled as Nines drove along towards the station, you were already going to be late, but it didn't really bother you. "I never would have guessed, after the last four times you have complained and the fact that you simply refused to drive the car." Nines said, sarcastically, as he continued to drive along.

In all honesty you had refused to drive the car, Nines has tried several times to make you want to. Yet you continued to refuse, so now he was driving the car.

"Y/N, are you sure you are okay to work? I do not want you to force yourself to be okay with it." Nines called out to you, looking over at him you saw his LED flashing between yellow and red. "I'm okay... I need to keep going. It'll keep my mind busy and I won't keep thinking she's coming after us." You told Nines as you turned your head to look out of the window.

You knew that Nines would have tried his hardest to keep you busy and happy if you had stayed at the hotel, but there was only so much he could do for you. The other thing about being at work was that there was a chance you could find her, by working the case.

"I understand, what will you do about RK800 and the Lieutenant?" Nines questioned, he obviously meant the fact that you couldn't handle them yesterday.

"They'll be so busy that they won't even mention it... I hope anyway..." You mumbled as you smacked your lips together, then took a deep breath. "We will find her, Y/N, you will not be scared forever." Nines reassured, he obviously knew that you were still scared.

But you'd be in the safest place possible until the end of your shift, then after work Nines was basically your personal bodyguard who wasn't going to let anyone near you. The filthy look he gave someone in the corridor of the hotel was proof of that.

"I know, how late are we going to be?" You asked Nines while some familiar streets came into view, meaning you must have been getting closer to the station. "Roughly ten minutes late, so not too late." Nines informed you, you nodded your head while still staring out of the window.

Once you arrived at the station you saw your car sat in the car park, you felt a pain in your chest when you saw it just sat there. It felt wrong being in the car you were in, you should be in your car. It also felt wrong staying in a hotel room, because you should be in your house. But it wasn't safe.

Nines pulled up into the parking spot next to your car.

"Hey, Nines... what if she sees this car?" You asked Nines who had just cut the engine, you looked towards him and saw him blink a couple of times. "The car we use shall be changed everyday until she is caught, Captain Fowler sent me a bunch of information last night about everything." Nines answered so you just shrugged while nodding your head, for you it felt weird waking up to a very alert Nines.

"Okay... cool..." You murmured, you wanted to be at work but you also didn't feel like yourself today. Everything felt weird.

Nines went silent as did the rest of the car, then the sound of his seatbelt unbuckling sounded out, he probably knew you weren't feeling yourself today. He always knew everything about you before everyone else.

"Shall we?" Nines inquired as he pointed towards the station, he was trying his hardest to keep his voice cheery for you. "Yeah, can you try to stop people from talking to me?" You asked Nines making him stop moving, his eyes looking at you sadly.

"Of course, I was going to do that anyway... Y/N... I am here if you need me think of me as your... what is the term I am looking for?"

"Emotional support Android." You commented as Nines smiled sadly at you.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now