Well, I am not interested

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"Just don't get mad at me when I tell you, it's a really stupid thing..." You admitted to Nines whose eyes stayed soft while he stared down at you. "I will not be mad at you, there is nothing you could say to upset me." Nines told you as his LED began to flash yellow and red, he was obviously very confused.

"While I was washing my hands there were two women who started talking about an attractive gu-" you cut yourself off when you saw the exact two women you were talking about nearing you and Nines.

"Y/N?" Nines called out as he followed your gaze, he instantly looked back to you he was evidently confused. "Is it something to do with them? Did they say something rude to you?"

"No! They... they were talking about you... not in a mean way... they were actually talking about how attractive you are..." You mumbled feeling like an absolute idiot when every word left your mouth.

"Oh... and that annoyed you?" Nines inquired as he took another glance at the women, you were scared that maybe he liked that they were complimenting him. "No... yes... obviously... one of them said they wished they were the human you were here with..." You sighed, there was no point in lying to Nines he would know, Nines was now staring at you again.

"I see."

"It's really dumb I know... I guess I got jealous... even though I have no right to be jealous, you aren't my property..." You rambled while looking off to the side, the women were still in the building by the bathroom.

And of course they were looking over at Nines every so often, it was like you weren't even stood with him.

"I'm sorry... you probably think I'm so annoying now... it's okay if you want to go and-"

"Well, I am not interested." Nines declared completely cutting you off, your head shot back in his direction only for you to meet his eyes. They were filled with honesty.

He wasn't interested in them at all.

And you felt nothing but relief wash over you.

'I think I'm gonna go celebrate with alcohol.' You thought to yourself as you let out a very audible sigh of relief.

"You aren't?" You asked just to confirm what you had heard the first time he had spoken was true.

"No, I am not. I never would be either." Nines answered as you felt another wave of relief wash over you, you wanted to walk up to them and put your middle finger in their faces and scream 'he's mine'.

Even though Nines wasn't yours.

"Oh... sorry I got all jealous when I have no right to be." You apologised as you looked towards the women again, again they were looking at Nines. "Do not apologise, you have romantic feelings for me, it is natural to feel some jealousy." Nines reassured you as you felt his hand land on your left cheek.

"It's weird..." You mumbled as you felt Nines's hand push against your cheek, which forced you to turn your head and look at him.

He was looking at you with that unreadable look in his eyes again, you had no idea why he looked at you like that sometimes. You gulped fully thinking that Nines might scold you.

"It is not, stop worrying about it... I do not want them, they can stare at me and talk about me as much as they would like because I do not care." Nines told you as he pulled you into his chest, more than anything you hoped they were watching.

It was petty.

But you didn't care.

You wrapped your arms around Nines's back as you felt him rest his chin onto the top of your head.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now