This is not appropriate

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20 minutes later

Nines P.O.V

"I do not think it is truly necessary to take her to the station, the Captain can get all of the information either way. I need to- never mind you will not listen to me." I mumbled as I folded my arms over my chest, currently RK800 and the Lieutenant were sat in the front.

"Look, blue eyes. Fowler will find somewhere safe for you both. But we need to go to the station first." The Lieutenant explained to me, but I did not care about what he was saying. I just needed to get her somewhere safe. "We will meet you there, has she moved at all?"

I looked towards Y/N with my eyes, there was no way I was going to tell him the truth. She was mine to care about. "No, she has not. I shall have to move her to the front seat." I answered the Lieutenant, I could sense that RK800 was staring at her currently.

"I have packed her as many things as I can. She has plenty of clothes to keep her going, I just packed the things I thought she would need." RK800 informed me as I looked between him and the Lieutenant.

They were both looking towards Y/N, worry in their eyes. I needed them out of the car.

"Wonderful, now I insist we hurry getting to the station." I declared as both of them looked at me completely annoyed, I did not really care if they were annoyed at me.

They were annoying me.

"He's right, Son. The quicker we get her to the station the quicker she can be put somewhere safe." The Lieutenant said to RK800 who made the sound of a sigh, I could tell he did not want to leave Y/N with me. "I think they should go first and we follow." RK800 told the Lieutenant who nodded in agreement.

Great. Now they were going to be right behind us.

Are there any functional Android recycling centres left?

Because that is where I would like to put RK800 currently.

"I'll move Y/N to the front." RK800 said as I looked towards him, of course he would find an excuse to touch her.

He always did.

Before I could even protest him and the Lieutenant started moving, they were acting like she was there responsibility. She's not. She's my responsibility but I do not see it that way, she is my human.

I had to stay acting as a machine no matter how much I hated it, she did not respond to me when I was pretending to be a machine. Soon RK800 was leaning into the back of the car to pull Y/N out, I could already hear him whispering things to her.

I hate him.

No. I despise him.

Climbing out of the back I kept my eyes on RK800, one wrong move while helping Y/N and I would kill him. Without hesitation. Slamming the door shut I followed them so I could watch him, so far he was fine.

I suppose.

I did not like that he was touching her.

It never used to bother me.

It only started to bother me recently, I cannot control it. It just enrages me.

Once I was sure he had put her in the car without being himself, I shrugged my shoulders and moved back around the car. That's when I realised he still had Y/N's keys.

"RK800, I require the keys." I called out to him as soon as he stood up straight from putting Y/N in the car. "Yes. I'm sorry. I was so focused on Y/N, returning them wasn't the first thing on my mind." He apologised with what I could only guess was a very fake smile on his face, he then threw the keys my way.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now