Part 54

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Slady = he is bring her

Andy= ok


Slady = honey do u want anything

Honey = yes (blank tone)

Slady = what (excited tone)

Honey = peace (in serious tone)

Slady = honey!!! (in shocking tone)

Honey = slady leave me please I what peace out of all this shits

Andy= angel see your language baby (in worry tone and put hand on her shoulder)

Honey = none of your business mr andy(snuggle and removed his hand from her shoulder)

Andy and slady was shock with the way honey was behaving with them

Honey = did u recall your memory hmm

Andy= yes

Honey = so what do you think about your behavior

Andy= so I accept that I am sorry for that now please forgive me

Honey = I will but only if

Andy= if.....

Honey = only if u will take to a ride on your sport bike and after I want to go Paris

Andy= to roam!!!

Honey = NO I just want to stay in villa only because I want to stay out of this mess which is all created by me and just I want peace otherwise if I will stay here then I will surely become mad even crazy

Andy= hmm

Honey = (suddenly started crying) please take off for this place please I don't want leave here it's making me suffocated, please take me for here

Andy= (wiped her tears) hey baby see I am with u and will be always and we will go out and today we will go for bike ride at10 ok so now stop crying and have some water. 

MANAN: HER WISH HIS COMMANDWhere stories live. Discover now