Part 83

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                          Honey's past glimpse 

[After Peterson left, honey started working on some files in which she came across photo of her with armaan]

Honey pov - how life takes whole new 360° turn. After slady's marriage it was hard to live alone no doubt she never let me feel that i am alone , she was like always visiting me.. And on Saturday, Sunday both abhimanyu and slady will be at my place. Even Abhi was so chill and caring he always use to say that why don't I come with them to stay like forever. But i used to denied it because it doesn't seems to be good to live at someone's place. So after sometime I thought to go out and explore. So i got an idea like I will go to Paris and will be staying for few months even managing and monitoring the company. And like this I will be stay in the the places were my other company's is here so that I can manage all the branches of the company. So like this I started from Paris and there I stayed for 3 month. In this three months many new things happen. Like I again started developing feelings for a guy I saw in concert of his own, yes he is singer. I was in VIP area standing and watching him and i was totally mesmerize by his voice, his each and every song was touching my heart and melting it so deeply. After finishing the concert I saw there because my company was the co-sponsor. So it was bit of meeting and photography time. I was standing aside watching him silently it was magical. But he saw me looking at him . So he came towards me and ask to join for dinner, all other members, crews, and sponsor were there for it. Even I also joined them, all were eating and doing chit-chat but i was standing near balcony with my plate, which was empty because I wasn't in mood of dinner. I have started developing hate regarding the social gathering now a days . It was so awkward for me everytime I go and there are millions of other company's manager who just like a back bitcher. But this meeting was different there was a chill and peaceful vibes coming around from every corner of the room, may this effect was due to the music. After long time i was feeling like there some La La Land and i just got entered, unknowingly I was smiling looking upto to the stars, everything felt so beautiful, I wish this evening never end. But i was also unknown about that someone was staring at me continually. And at that mean time suddenly light off and the whole room was partially dark because there were do candle for decorations so they were spreading light but for person like Me it wasn't enough. So i sat down with my legs near the chest and my hand cross over it, and started shivering and sweating due to fear of darkness. No one noticed accept armaan got it and without letting anyone know he came towards me and started talking to me to make me feel comfortable but it was next to impossible task for anyone except slady. So after trying alot he silently cover me and brought me out of the room were there was zero light and i freaked out and hug him very tightly. because at that moment I wasn't not in state of mind were I can think about it. So armaan took me to the open ground and said " Hey hey open your eyes look at me " So i slowly looked at him and what I saw was magical he was smiling then he turned my face towards the sky were there are millions of stars twinkling and making the dark sky look beautiful and bright even the moon was shining so bright, I then turn on his side but still his hand were holding me in protective manner. by the passing time it was 12am so i decided to go home so i offered him for ride, if he wanted to go to his hotel room. But he told me that the hotel is to far, so i ask to come with me to my mansion if he don't mind or otherwise from there one of my driver will drop him to the hotel . But denied it and said to stay so i was ok i mean there are more then 10 rooms and everyone one is empty(9 room are empty) . After making me drink some water we drive off towards my place, and thank god there in mansion there was no power cut situation. But still I thought to ask once in enters. Because the distance between main gate and the main door of the mansion bit far like 1km. Once we were reached I stopped the car at the gate and ask for the power cut thing , and
the watchman said " Ma'am there is power cut but you don't wrong slady ma'am have arranged the invertor so there will be never the power cut situation in life."
Honey was happy and by seeing her smiling armaan finally tool relief. Honey told watchman to call and arranged fruit juice and make a room ready, which is next to me. And make this things ASAP and with this she drive inside. She was driving slowly bcz she noticed that armaan is looking around soon they reached and butler is ready to welcome by holding the door open. Both entered and sat on the sofa. Honey called a maid name liza and asked her whether the room is ready or not and the room was ready. Liza was a kind off head manager of the servant working overall in mansion. Soon another butler brought the variety of fruits and put on the table which was in front of them.
Honey said "armaan have it, I mean whatever is your favorite juices you can have it"
Armaan is shocked and said " Honey all this juices are for me only!
Honey "yes"
Armaan " But i can't have all this I am full already now there is no space for juices but you can have it bcz you haven't eat a single bite"
Liza interrupted " Ma'am again you skip the food even in morning also you haven't had your breakfast and in noon also you ignored the lunch by giving some reason. Why ma'am why. This will lead you to the sickness. Even you're not taking the care of your medical routine. And sorry to say but if this will be continue then I have to inform slady ma'am for this type of your behavior (in worried tone)
This whole conversation was witness by armaan who is sitting on sofa and doing something on phone.
Honey " Liza don't you dare inform anything to slady ok, she is now married we can't keep her worried bcz of me and my silly behavior. And as for the food I will start from Tomorrow ok. "
Liza" Every night ma'am you say this, that i will start from tomorrow but when is this tomorrow? "
Honey " Tomorrow final I will start, ohh shit armaan you are still here, you should have gone for rest in your room, no need to wait for this discussion to be over (smiling)you go. Even I am also going. Liza i am going and as usual tomorrow morning 5am ok. "
Liza "ok ma'am have good night and don't think about the power cut, we have enough of power saved.
Everyone went to there respected room.
In armaan's room armaan was thinking about the behaviour of honey . Because according to him her behavior was so confusing, so he thought to go and visit her room. Because he knew that she won't sleep bcz it was already 3am. So he went out and knock on the door of Honey's room. But the the door was open, so he went in the room but the it was too dark and seeing this he got more confused like as for her she is scared of darkness and on the other side her room that's too dark. Honey is sitting on the bed. So armaan called her in very sweet tone, she looked at the door side and saw a figure and said "who are you "
Armaan "it's me armaan"
Honey " Oh yes please come have a sit (she move a bit on bed so that armaan can sit comfortably) and sorry about this darkness."
Armaan " Can i ask you one thing".
Honey " Ya sure"
Armaan can clear hear a weakness type voice of honey. " You are scared of darkness right, then why is you room so dark".
Honey was suddenly silent so armaan called her but there was no response. So he thought to hold her hand to shake. But when he hold her, her body was cold. For a bit he got scared but thinking mature he thought to measure the temperature even luckily he found thermometer on her right of the table.
Armaan "honey please put this in your mouth "
Honey silently open her mouth and armaan put the meter inside and in mean time he call liza even she also came in hurry. And First thing she did was turning all lights on. And what she and armaan saw was horrible, her face sweating.
Liza "honey ma'am please eat some food otherwise you will get more sick and this act of yours will land up you in hospital. Please eat something I am begging you. Armaan please you tell her to eat something. "
Arman check the temperature and it is 2°c . He was shocked even got worried and because of this worry turn into the anger form. And he ask Liza to bring corn soup and oats. Liza went out to prepare it. And here armaan took me in his arms and covered both of them but not in wrong intension. He just hugged me and started rubbing my back. Because his idea was that he can make her normal by making her eat some hot food and hugged her like this so that she can gain heat. After sometime liza came with the food, she knocked the door so that armaan got alert and he sat properly. Liza came "ma'am please eat something please otherwise I will have to inform slady ma'am about your this act". But armaan interrupted " Liza if don't mind can I feed her and I promise she will eat all this " Liza "ok " And by saying it she went out. And here in room armaan first ON the lights but it was because it was happening so first he call liza and inform her that there light issue in my room and told her that he taking me to his room. In his room there was light so he place me in the bed and in mean time liza come with the soup and some fruit and put it on the table . I was slowly become normal and seeing this armaan hug me tidily and said that he was hell scared seeing me like this . then after sometime he took me near chair and he told me to sit on his lap I was shocked but before I could process more he drag me and fall on his chest but instead for arguing with him I stay still and he started feed me. After finish soup and fruit he made me drink water and we were still sitting in same position]

{pov was disturb by andy} 

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