Part 81

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Andy - such a baby you are(pulling her cheek and kiss on head).. Now let's go(but somewhere down Andy know that his angel is lied about baby thing.but decided to talk when armaan is there)

Honey - yes let's go

Slady - you both go I will come on dinner time....

Honey - ok (because there was no issue in doing arguments like you also come .and that all)

[Both reached home and sitting in living room and seeing this sacchi came running towards them]

Sacchi - princess...... Prince (in cheerful tone) (and jump into honey lap but due to that her hand by missing Dig on honey womb)

Honey - ouch.... (Voice was bit louder and all the servants came running to see what happen) ouch Andy... It's paining (but still in that pain also she never shouted on sacchi or made her sit besides her she was still hugging her..)

Andy - (but he took sacchi from honey and made her sit on sofa and take honey in his lap ) angel should we call aadi Or kaushal.. And yes Mary please bring hot water bag.. And orange juice...

Mary - yes..

Andy - after drinking juice we are going to hospital that's it.. And no further arguments I want to listen... (In serious tone) sacchi baby you go to your room ok

Sacchi - I am sorry prince.. Because of me princess is going to hospital....😞

Andy - it is ok baby... Now go and enjoy.. And yes if you are hungry then tell Mary to give you pastry...

Sacchi - pastry.... 🥰 yeeaa 😃(went to the room)

[At that time alya came down. and seeing Andy doing massage on her womb even making her drink juice her blood was boiling...]

Alya - what happened to honey... (Giving fake smile)

Andy - nothing...

Alya - then why this...

Andy - ooh this, this is pamper time.. 😌

Alya - ok...

Andy - so let's go ok honey..

Alya - can i also come with you

Andy - you wish... But we are not going for enjoying... There is some work regarding company...

Honey - but don't worry we trio will go out for dinner tonight.. Ok.. 

[Both reached hospital.. ]

(In cabin)

(Honey is lay down on hospital bed and Andy is sitting beside her holding her hand and caring her hair to make her feel relax .. Even kaushal is trying best to not hurt her more.. Like pinning wires .. After few minute of check up)

Andy - is angel OK 😰 (because he was hell scared)

Kaushal - yes she is fine.. Don't worry.. And honey don't take to much of stress... Because after this month you will enter in second month of your pregnancy.. So let me till you clearly that there are chances of miss carriage or may there is possibly that the growth of baby is not proper... So you have to take carry of your self until the 4 month is not complete and you have to come for check up weekly.. And want happen with your hand... Nurse get me dressing kit fast....

Honey - no need kaushal

Kaushal- (bit angry) what no need no need.. Do you know what you are doing with your health.. Such careless girl.. And if you are thinking that your behavior is not effecting your baby then you are highly mistaking... If this behavior of yours will be continued then trust me even medicine will not help you nor your child.. So now it's up to you...

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