Part 78

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Honey - yes.. (😀)

Slady - Mary serve the food for both of them..

Andy - Mary don't serve for angel.. (In bit angry tone)

Aadi - but why..

Andy - bcz she just came directly from the bed, not even completed her mouth wash.... Am I right honey.. (Kiss her on cheeks and smile on her cuteness 😊)

Honey- yes..

Andy - so now go and clean your mouth then only we will have our breakfast

Honey - means you will wait for me..

Andy - yes my angel (kiss on forehead) now go and clean properly..

[She went and here..]

Alya - Andy... Which type of wife you have... I mean how she can behaving like a kiddo... She is just mannerless, senseless, and immature... Girl..

She is such a idiot.. She doesn't have any kind of discipline... And by seeing her it's seems like she is having some mental issues.. She is seems like mentally mad girl.. How you can fall for such kind of girl... Even sometimes she act like moron tooo

Andy - (interpret her) stop it .. Ok stop your bloody mouth.. Bcz you don't have rights to say all this thing.... And how come you can speak about her like this... Such a mannerless girl... And don't forget this place is of her... So whatever you speak about her think before you say... But she think good for you bcz I wasn't convinced to call you here but she force me.. She said that "where you will go.. Bcz it's dangerous to roam alone.."

[Honey came out after completing bath and sit beside andy]

Slady - so my sweetheart is fully ready.. Like wow

Honey - yes😌 actually I don't want people to say that andy you have such a kiddo wife 😞 and alya, andy love to pamper me, so you don't have right to judge me in my house 😏. Being kind toward you don't mean that can't be rude towards you... Because I overheard whole conversation and if you forgot then let me remind you that this mansion is totally covered with cctv camera... 😎 so watch your move before you step... It will be health for you... Otherwise you don't know with whom you are messing up... Because it's very much harmful to mess with me.. And whoever do that.. They are been deadly destroy by me...

(Peterson came with laptop and play a video in front of alya. {It was about that rivals who try to harm andy} after watching video alya was sweating like hell due to fear...and ask)

Alya - who is she...

Honey- she is prexa daughter of sharma group of textile design...

Alya - but what is the reason behind this.. Torture😨

Honey - he was the rival.. But this problem was between two company but he dragged my andy in this to harm me... He try to murder my andy by crushing him under the truck.. He was badly injured... With one broken hand and leg... So that's why I dragged his daughter...

Alya - ohh....

Slady - let's have breakfast we are getting late... And Mary if sacchi woke up then please take care of her and make her ready

Mary - don't need to please... I will take care...

Honey - andy you are going somewhere...

Andy - (while feeding her cheese bread toast) yes I am going to our office..

Honey - (she understand that plan is started) ok come back soon.. I will miss you.. (On verge of crying bcz till now Andy was with her 24*7but from today he will go to office)

Andy - (saw that) hey baby don't cry.. My angel is strong girl right and if you feel alone then come to office ok..

Aadi - yes.. But take driver with you.. Ok

[After completing breakfast, all went to there respective place and alya, honey went to living room...]

Alya - so which type of production does your company do...

Honey - actually there is two department one is fashion house in which all types of cloth is been design, whether it's western or traditional, formal to casual, bikini to underwear garments... You have to just spell it... And it will be in front of you... And second department is interior design which is be handle by saldy

Alya - that's amazing.. Dude.. Like seriously two totally different department under one roof. I wish I could be the part of this fabulous company..

Honey - what do you mean.. You already have job.. In India

Alya - actually I lost my job, that's why I came here for help... I mean if you can help in getting new job...

Honey - of course... If you don't mind then I can place you in my company.. In fashion house.. Is it ok for you

[Finally alya is in trap😜🤫😉..]

Alya - (exciting tone) yes.. Yes why not.. I don't have any problem..

Honey - ok then let's go now... If you are ok with it..

Alya - I am good with it..

Honey - so you go and collect necessary document of your's mean while I will go and change... (Call Mary)

Mary - yes ma'am

Honey - me and alya are going to my office.. So just call peterson to come with car

Mary - ok ..

[Honey went to change her clothes and here Mary inform Andy about and say congratulations ..and soon alya and honey where outside the main door of empire of sheer..]

Alya - OMG this much big building..

Honey - (smile looking towards her) so let's go inside..

[honey entered with alya, peterson and move towards her cabin..]

Honey - (sat down and tell alya to sit opposite of her) peterson where is Andy...

Peterson - sir and ma'am(slady) is in seminar Hall for some important work even all employees are there only...

Honey - ok tell him that I am wait in my cabin

Peterson - ok (went out)

Honey - alya are you aware of the activities which is been done in fashion house... ( because she know that alya is totally blank regarding fashion factory)

Alya - yes yes I know... (In confused tone🙂)

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