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Honey = NO I will not because someone told me that this is my home and i should get lost (she is totally mess up like her red eye, nose, cheek. Dark circle under eyes, mess hair)

Andy = I am really sorry please don’t go please don’t leave me alone I will not able to live without you angel please come back I am begging you I accept that it was my mistake but please forgive me please (run toward her and take her in his arms with tight hug and cried very hard😭)

Honey = leave (straight😑)

Andy = NO😔

Honey = I said leave me (in serious tone)😑

Andy = I said NO😞

Honey = (push him and run towards bed room and lock it) leave me alone😡

Slady = aadi you go and check praxa whether she fine or not and if she is not then take her to hospital even take maya with you because I know now honey would be more angry on that girl because of her andy slap her so take her to hospital

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Slady = aadi you go and check praxa whether she fine or not and if she is not then take her to hospital even take maya with you because I know now honey would be more angry on that girl because of her andy slap her so take her to hospital

Aadi = but wait let me check on honey first than I will take praxa

Slady = aadi try to understand  is fine but if something happen with praxa it will more dangerous go fast

Aadi = ok

[ andy is silencely sitting near bedroom door because he know that inside the room honey is also sitting in same position, he can clearly listen the sound of crying sobbing hiccup but here out andy is also crying with his silent tears and this was seen by all aadi, slady, maya, Peterson. Aadi went up and take praxa to hospital for check-up]

Slady = andy I think you should speak to her

Andy = but how……………

Slady = open the lock with duplicate key and go in and hug her don’t leave her just keep hugging even caring her hair and rubbing back will help you to calm down her

Andy = ok

Slady = and and don’t lose your hope she will come back to you because she can’t stay away from you for a second just keep talking sweetly like you always do to make her drink or to eat!

Andy = ok anything else

Slady = no now you go and I will make her favorite dishes

[andy went in and saw that the room is dark and honey is sitting in corner of room still crying, sobbing, shivering, hiccupping very badly even her mess clothes, hair rough not mess she removed skirt and was only in his shirt. Andy went near her and sit beside her taking in hug tightly even started sucking her neck very sensitive way because he know how to melt her to make her weak in his arm]

Andy = so my baby is angry...hmm (made her sit on his lap and tangled his leg with her)

Honey = you are bad boy even I don’t talk to bad boys and go away I don’t want to see you...

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