Part 18

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{NEW MORNING 5:30 am}

Andy= (wake up and went up to freshen up)

Honey = (started crying) andy..................

Andy= hey baby I am here only not going anywhere (came and started kiss her on all over face sometimes under the neck)

Honey = (giggle) andy stop

Andy= u wait I will come in few min (when to freshen up)

Honey = ok (and sleep again while hugging her teddy which was kept beside the side table)

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Honey = ok (and sleep again while hugging her teddy which was kept beside the side table)

After a while Andy came out and saw his angel is sleeping with cute smile and moment was capture in phone

Andy= (go near to her and said) angel (while wrapping towel on head)

Honey = go up while rubbing her eye and saw and started shouting ghost.... Andy ghost and hitting him with pillow and started sweating

Andy= (he see that she is scared) hey it's me (take out towel from head he saw that her angel was sweating badly) angel

Honey = (see few min on him and hug him) u I will not speak with u go now

Andy= (in hurt tone) sorry baby please I was not knowing that that my angel is this much scared about ghost. See yourself u r sweating and shivering badly

Honey = u r very bad (cute angry)

Andy= aww sorry (and hug her tightly) now get up its alright 6:00

Honey = hold me while I wash my face (low tone)

Andy= (made her sit on his lap) r u feeling weak baby (and hug her)

Honey = (snuggled) little bit

Andy= (when in bath and made her stand in front of mirror which is in bath) angel I am here only

Honey = (completed mouth washing) andy its over

Andy= come now have some rest (while coming out of bath room)

Honey = no I have to make breakfast and lunch for you

Andy= no need I will do it in canteen (in caring tone)

Honey = no (stubborn)

Andy= (smiled on her cute stubborn behavior) ok baby but you have taken my help

Honey = ok so hold me till kitchen and sit beside me on kitchen slab (bcz she was feel weak)

Andy= ok but first make tea and breakfast then lunch

Honey = ok but I have not even bath and see here I am making food how can I do this (in guilty tone )

Andy= its ok angel (smiled)

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