Part 60

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Honey = (in serious tone) it was not needed ok (and went to bedroom)

Slady = (followed her) honey (in low tone)

Honey = what let them sleep

Slady = why not but sacchi why she is sleeping like this

Honey = let it be

[bcz of there conversations andy and aadi wake up]

Andy= angel u came (and was about to woke up but bcz of sacchi tight hug he was not able to stand)

Honey = don't just be like that otherwise sacchi will wake up (smile)

Aadi = so finally u came

Slady = yes any doubt and is anything happen I mean the way sacchi is sleeping hugging u (in confused look)

Andy= nothing happen but I think she missed her father's warm that's why she is behaving like this

Slady = may be (in sad tone)

Honey = u all talk meanwhile i will take bath and come bcz my whole body is paining (went in)

Andy= what happen to her

Slady = it is just bcz of full body wax

Andy= (shocked) what I mean it was not so need it must be paining (in painful tone)

Slady = yes while doing that tears were continually coming out

Aadi = u should have not force her to do this (in worry tone)

[mean while honey came out wear loose white full sleeve shirt and shorts which were not hiding this thigh of her even not her redness which was occur by waxing]

Andy= u r ok

Honey = yes I am (was going out)

Andy= where r u going

Honey = for sleep

Aadi = then sleep here bcz I have to visit hospital also

Slady = ok then come fast for lunch and after completing that we both will leave

Aadi = ok (went out)

Honey = (slept beside sacchi) slady u also come

Slady = no need u both sleep well I will take sacchi to next room (in serious tone)

Honey = let it be here it's ok

Slady = no it's not (carried sacchi in her arm and was about to go sacchi started crying) shh no baby my good angel stop crying bcz good girl never cry

Sacchi = (in her half sleep) I want to sleep with prince and princess

Andy= give me let her sleep here with us (spread his hand)

Slady = but (confused)

Andy– no but now give me (with smile)

Slady = take (give sacchi to andy and place her in between both of them and went out in worry face)

Honey = what happen to sacchi why she is behaving like this (confused)

Andy= I think she missing her father warm and care (in plane tone)

Honey = but slady is giving her all thing which she want she is not less to give all the things which sacchi deserve (try to explain)

Andy= I know that slady is doing her best to give all thing which sacchi needs but some were in corner of sacchi she need her father

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