Part 25

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Next morning

Andy=(wake up first and started admiring her angel because in her sleep she can sense him) why u r soo cute and why world is been soo hard no u (and kiss her forehead and hug her tightly because when she start snuggle in him arms it mean her sleep is been disturb) but I will protect u from that evil eyes and I promise that I will never leave u alone in this world because u r so pure soul that anyone can make u fall in front of them. I will care u like a father do and pamper like mother.

Honey = (start murmuring) andy....... Andy our baby see It is not there she I feel empty. (tear flowing out and with sobbing) andy he left us before coming in this world andy....

Andy= (with tears) why she always have dream of losing our child

Honey = (in sleep) kill me I am not capable to be your wife nor a mom of our child

Andy= (with jerk he make her stand) honey open your eyes angel I said open your eyes

Honey = (open her eye she) andy we.....

Andy= (take her in hug and seat on rocking chair and honey was cocoon in andy arm) shh nothing will happen to our baby and our baby will safe with us when he or she will come and we both will give world best care, happiness, love. Ok so now go and do brush while I will check some e-mails

Honey = ok ( then she ok and have freshen up and have bath and came out wearing plane red saree with plane red blouse with sleeveless)

Andy= angel why u wear saree (confused tone)

Honey = stop this all and let start decoration home I have already clean home so now not to waste of time

Andy= yes lets go

[andy and honey first start changing the old cover into new and then putted new curtain then changed the bed-sheet in whole house and there pillow cover and arrange all teddy and soft toys in corner of it. And hang that big photo frame up behind bed-rest, and other frames some in their bed-room and some in study room and some in living room. After this they eat some food and andy made honey to sleep because from morning they were continue doing work]

Andy= angel now sleep for sometime because It is 3:00pm and we have reach there by 6:30 because function will start on 7:30 and till then I have to give some interviews and also I will introduce you in front of world (smiled)

[but here honey was talking to someone in phone and not paying attention to andy]

Honey = (in phone with serious tone) first thing I want it on 6:00pm and other one when I will call u but be ready because anytime I can call u (rest the phone)

Andy= with whom u were talking (made her sit on his lap)

Honey = (in anger tone and first time ever she speak like this with andy so roughly) none of your business

Andy= (in cheerful mood) hey why my angel is in this mood and for business I asked u zillions of time that what were u doing till now before our marriage happen

Honey = (no answer)

Andy= u have done computer engineering and u and slady both together did master in CDS (cyber defense security) but after that where did u both started job (suddenly question were shot by andy to honey)

Honey = (became frustrated) stop (with shout)

Andy= relax baby if u don't want to share it now its fine (caring her shoulder)

Honey = no u want to listen (in blank tone)

Andy= no angel its ok (smiled)

Honey = so listen after we both completed or I was to say that after we clear our based we started build our own dream (started her story)

Andy= what r u trying to say building, base, dream!!!! (totally confused tone)

Honey = so we completed engineering because if our dream did not go well then we can have a backup.

Andy= mean

Honey = did u listen about SHEER

Andy= yes it is very huge company and there outfits and the way they design interior of home it's awesome and that company is run by 2 lady who never came in front of camera but it very huge company and I salute that two lady's who is running two different thing on one track (in prideful tone )

Honey = so do u want to know the name of that two lady's

Andy= u know them (confused)

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