Part 58

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[Trio have their dinner with some random conversations and finally all left to their room]

[in andy room honey was sleeping with frowned face so andy came and hug her even she should response on that and hugged him back by hide her face in his chest but she didn't do that in fact she move away little bit]

Andy= what happen my baby is still awake (and made her turn to his side)

Honey = (saw in his eye) andy honestly say that am I looking good?

Andy= (hug her tightly and started sucking her lip but after sometime he stop) u r looking heavenly sexy and hot in this new looking with this short now I can clearly see your bare back and neck even I can touch it

Honey = (excited tone) really

Andy= yes my baby

Honey = andy can I ask u one more this and please ignore like u always do by hugging me tightly or don't say no

Andy= (he have little bit of idea what honey wants but he want her to speak) yes I will u just command and I will be your slave

Honey = make.... Me ..... yours...... can u give me love of universe and pleasure of heaven please (with tears)

Andy= ok as u say so tomorrow I will make u my (rubbing out tear and kiss on eye) but for now sleep

Honey = (snuggle in his arms but that short were disturbing her) andy(childish tone and point toward hair) they r not letting me sleep

Andy= (put that hair back of her ears) now sleep

Honey = good night andy(in kid tone with cute pout)

Andy= (peek on that pout) good night baby

Honey = andy I think we should wash our car tomorrow ok

Andy= ok but for now sleep


Andy= angel wake up

Honey = (snuggle more in his arm) Noooo I want more sleep

Andy= ok then don't say me that you wash car alone

Honey = (sudden wake up) I will also come with u to wash car

Andy= ok then go and freshen up

Honey = but u don't move ok stay here

Andy= as u say baby

[honey went to freshen up meanwhile andy take out cloth for honey and after sometime honey come out]

Honey = what is this andy(back hug)

Andy= (brought her front) this is my cloth for u

Honey = means

Andy= mean while washing car u will wear my shirt and shorts

Honey = ok

Andy= so I am wait for u outside the car u come fast

[after kissing on head andy went out and after a while honey also came out]

Andy= so don't make noise bcz aadi, slady and sacchi is sleep

Honey = ok (while keeping her finger on her lip with cute puppy face)

Andy= so now let start and yes not playing with water bcz this water is for washing car even u will catch fever(with serious tone)

Honey = (scared) hmm

[andy started cleaning car with soap water and scrubber and on other side honey was standing with water tub. After couple of hours he finished cleaning then call honey to start water tap she did and holding tub in her hand and flash the water on car but suddenly her mischief mind got idea then what she point tub toward andy and making him wet totally but instead of shouting and angry he jerk tub from her and put tub toward up and then all water was on both of them even honey was enjoying very much she dancing and while dancing she slip and fall down by seeing this andy start laughing on her cuteness but not more bcz honey was on verge of cry but andy just point tub toward her and making her wet. She was shouting and running giggling loud and seeing his angel happy he was also happy bcz after so many days his angel have laugh like carelessly but someone was disturb by this laugh]

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