Part 7

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Andy = angel let's go out

Honey = suddenly

Andy= yes r u not happy

Honey = yes I am but

Andy= but what

Honey = andy I am tried off changing clothes .my whole body is paining hell (and started crying like small baby) (said by bit scared, because if she will say it then andy will be angry and may start his monster mood)

Andy= weep her tear and cover her in his arm's , and said ,honey listen to me please See in my eye's

Honey = andy please take me to slady's home please I want to go there

Andy= ok get up lets go

[honey and andy went in car and start driving and soon they reach their]

Andy= come take my hand

Honey = yes

{doorbell rings}

Slady = coming wait (open the door) honey-andy you both come inside any problem (acting like she doesn't know that they were coming)

Andy= (while side hugging honey) no we just came because we both were feeling boring (smile at her and entered in home)

Slady = please come in my bed room because angel is sleeping their

Andy= ok then come

Honey = (suddenly) o my god my body is paining like hell , slady please give some pain killer

Slady = yes u sit I will get it

Andy= (suddenly) NO no need of taking any pills did u understand .because your body doesn't need pills, the thing is need is rest which u r not taking properly

Honey = from now I will but please give me pills right now please, I am begging u

Andy= (monster mood ON) once I said NO mean u have to follow it ok and sleep for while u will feel better

[The seating was like this: andy is sitting with honey resting his back on bed rest and hands are on her waist, on the other side slady is seating in same position like andy, resting her back on bed rest and between this three there angel is sleep peacefully]

Honey = (tear start flowing) ok then

[After few min, suddenly honey started snuggling and cuddling in andy arm's as if she scared or seeing some bad dream or she need his warm and this reaction was also seen by slady]

Slady = why is sudden reaction did the pain is too much

Andy= No but from past 6 to 8 month after our marriage she is doing this type of action but in beginning when she started doing this type of thing I got scared and started worry about her but then it became normal for me . {Flash back start}

because the day when we both marry after that she was not allowing me to even touch her hands and if by mistake it touch

Then she start crying and at night I was not allow in bed room our bedroom but she is so pure poor soul that she was not able to see my pain soo slowly she started allowing me in bedroom to sleep in bed but once upon night my hand unknowing touch on her neck .then all of sudden in jerk she wake up and went to living room and sleep there while crying .and when I got up I saw her then I reality that my hand was touch on her neck. Then I ask her to sleep in bed, but suddenly she wake up in jerk and tears start following out of her eye. Then she went in and slept while crying, after she sleep I just went out to buy some chocolates and teddy, and when I was back what I see that home was clean and she was making lunch for us. Then suddenly without getting her notice I went in our bedroom to décor it with soft toys which I brought for her and also change all curtains

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