Part 17

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[after sometime honey sleep on andy's lap and andy was caring her belly, cheek, and hair]

Aadi = I think door bell is ringing

Andy= wait I will open (but when he try to stand up honey was holding his hand)

Aadi = u sit otherwise super girl will start crying (smile and open the door and take parcel and close the door)

Aadi = slady please serve this (gave parcel)

Slady = yes (when inn kitchen)

Andy= came with all food here only

Slady = do u want to wake up your baby

Aadi = baby!! Mean u both have baby (in excited tone) wow but I don't know even I don't see where is your baby

Slady and Andy laugh

Andy= ooh so u have not seen my baby (in dramatic way)

Aadi = NO (still confused)

Andy= then see she is on my lap. This is my baby, my babu, my angel, my world (indicated towards honey)

Aadi = ooh so this is your baby (smiled)

Andy= any doubt (in dramatic)

Aadi = NO (smile)

Slady = here food comes (came with food in trolley )

[they all have food and sometimes in between andy even feed honey while she is sleeping and she was eating also. After finishing all]

Aadi = so I am going and andy meet you tomorrow

Andy= yes

Aadi = slady come with me I will drop you

Slady = yes

Andy= bye both of you

Slady and aadi = bye

[Then Andy close the door and went into room and sleep while hugging honey carefully because of wire was putted in her body it was hurting her still. And give soft kiss on the lower lip were blood was dry up.]

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