part -38

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New morning

Honey = andy why bike today

Andy = what bike today

Honey = I mean go in car which I gifted you

Honey = I mean go in car which I gifted you

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Andy = but today I want to go on bike

Honey = (bit serious and anger tone) but today u r going in car

Andy = why

Honey = because I am saying that why and now end of discussion (in obsessed tone)

Andy = fine then now I will go on bike (stubborn tone)

Honey = (soft worry tone) please andy only for today please go in car please

Andy = (side hug) what happen to my baby why so worried

Honey = I don't know andy but today from morning I am getting so many bad vibes and even feeling uneasy like I don't want to leave u alone I am scared if u will vanish if I will leave u but please go in car please (and started sobbing)

Andy = (hugged her and start caring her hair) hey angel nothing will happen to me and I will never leave u alone in this darkness and cruel world

Honey = so u r going in car🙂

Andy = NO

Honey = why😰

Andy = because I want to prove that sometime the vibes can be wrong too

Honey = but..

[andy cut her sentence in middle]

Andy = if u feel that vibe again if I am not here then just remember our wonderful moment and memories which made till now and remember me in every second but not by worrying about me but by loving me just think about love and then me because I will give u smile and remember one think I am and I will be present in each and every phase of OUR LIFE so just chill and I will be back soon (and place numbers of kiss on her face) bye

Honey = bye (but in mind her she was panicking very hard but then also try give a fake smile)

Andy = (in mind) I know angel you are worrying and panicking very badly from inside but I have to prove that all time this vibes can't be true


Honey =(self-talk) I know there will be something which will destroy my happy life but what will happen. Yes I will call slady over here if she would be here with me than I will feel nice


Honey = hello

Slady = hey sweetheart what's up

Honey = sky is up. But I need u to come home now with sacchi (in worry tone)

Slady = yes I am coming just in few min

Honey = but be safe

Slady = honey.... What happen hmm let me think THE VIBES am I right

Honey = yes that bad vibes

Slady = hmmm

Honey = what hmmm come fast

Slady = ok bye

Honey = bye and come with the fresh pair of clothes also with u for sacchi and you and don't ask why just do as I say

Slady = fine bye


[after few min slady came]

Honey = come inside

Slady = where will I keep this stuff

Honey = keep in my room

Slady = hmm but let's go in your room only

Honey = we will go but after lunch because it is already lunch time

Slady = I will come keeping this and sacchi be with your princess

Sacchi = ok

Honey = come sacchi I have made favorite of you and your prince

Sacchi = really

Honey = so my baby is happy now

Sacchi = very much (and kiss her on cheek)

Slady = ok now stop butter polishing because your princess is expert in that😆

Honey = leave it let's have lunch (in worrying tone)

Slady = what is disturbing you

Honey = I don't know but from morning I am getting vibes that there will something wrong will happen and it would be like disaster which will destroy my happy life. Slady flood will come and It will wash out all like all happiness from my life (And tear started rolling out) there will again dark in life slady

Slady = (side hug her tightly) nothing will happen ok we are there if something will happen

Honey = means u believe that I am not wrong my vibes r not wrong

Slady = it's not like that but sometimes this must be a fake vibe like if u see something on movie or anything your mind starts thinking like that only so that why u r feeling uneasiness

Honey = means u believe that I am not wrong my vibes r not wrong

Slady = it's not like that but sometimes this must be a fake vibe like if u see something on movie or anything, your mind starts thinking like that only so that why u r feeling uneasy

Honey = hmm hope u r right ok now u both start eating I am come in few min

Slady = where r going

Honey = to call andy

Slady = hmm ok u go till then I will feed sacchi

[honey went out from dining area. And sat on sofa after dialing call to andy. She try many times but it was some time busy or out of network. Meanwhile slady come and sit near to her on sofa and asking her while side hug]

Slady = what happen to my sweetheart (kiss on her cheek)

Sacchi = (saying by copying slady sentence) what happen to my princess (kiss on her cheek)

Honey = aww so cute. Nothing happen to me (smile back and made her sit in her lap)

Sacchi = then why princess is not smiling

Slady = because your prince is not receiving call of your princess so she is worry about your prince😅

Sacchi = no problem he will call u because he my good prince (in cute tone)

Honey = sacchi u go now sleep I have kept toys in our room so go and sleep after playing sometimes

Sacchi = ok good night

Slady = baby it is not night

Sacchi = but mom I am going for sleep so good night

Honey = (laugh at her cute smile) ok sacchi bye good night sweet dreams

Sacchi = bye good night (went in room)

Slady = I will bring water for u and after drinking I will bring lunch over here

[slady came with glass of water]

Slady = honey drink it first

Honey = (took glass from her and holding by both hand) slady!!!! My vibes are giving me a very strong feeling

Slady = hey chill just drink water till then I will bring lunch for you

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