Part 59

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Aadi = (come toward back yard door and there he saw that slady was also there so he went near) hey good morning (and saw that how andy and honey were enjoying)

Slady = they look soo adorable and cutest couple (in mind she was prayer to god that this happiness, laugher and love never disappear in their life)

Aadi = (was smiling at their actions) yes they deserved this happiness atleast honey deserve this all

Slady = not only honey I mean honey also deserve but even andy also deserve as much as honey do

[Meanwhile honey sneezed]

Andy= see I told u not to play with water u will catch fever and now see what happen (in angry tone)

Honey = sorry (in sweet tone)

Andy= (but andy was angry now bcz his angel was shivering) ok don't try to do face magic now come (and carry her in bridal style but he stop)

Slady = (in teasing manner) so how was water fight hmm did we missed anything

Aadi = yes tell honey did we missed it

[but once again honey sneezed]

Andy= (in serious tone) so now can we go

Slady = yes

Andy= uumha slady make that liquid water adding ginger, honey, tulsi, turmeric powder ok

Slady = ok sir (teasing)

Andy= whatever (and went in)


Andy= angel come lets bath

Honey = together

Andy= yes

Honey = (hoped in andy arm) yeeeee

[both went in bath after sometime they came out]

Andy= honey wear this this my white shirt bcz it have long sleeves and this short

Honey = but I feel hot in this

Andy= that why I told u to wear shorts ok now end of discussion and wear it

Honey = but I will (andy cut her between)

Andy= (in serious and bit angry tone) once I said thing should be done otherwise result is worst so do now what I said to do

Honey = (was crying in silence but it was noticed by andy) hmm as u say (wearing cloth and drying her hair with dryer fast she seat on bed)

Andy= (changing his cloth) come lets go out (in sweet tone)

Honey = (see in his eye) hmm (giving blank expression)

[Andy jerk pull her toward him and kissed on neck even bite it with that honey hissed in pain but to control her he started caring her hair and suck on that bite bit on other side honey was crying but not bcz of pain but bcz of angry andy after that both went to living and seat down on sofa andy take honey his arm and even honey rest her head on his chest and playing that bracelet]

Andy= baby no (showing his eye)

Slady = andythis liquid

Andy= give it to me and what is time of your spa treatment

Slady = it is ok 10am

Andy= so it's already 9:30

Slady = I know after finishing work we will go

Andy= hmm ok so angel come drink this fast

Honey = hmm

[trio were surprised that without any question she said yes]

Aadi = supergirl is everything fine

Honey = hmm

Andy = I mean no question that what is this and saying that I will not drink this even show your tantrum (surprising tone)

Honey = bcz few min back someone told me that once I said thing should done without and questions so I am doing that only and give this mug (take mug from him and drink it in one breathe) slady take it (and went to room but andy stop her by calling her)

Andy= angel were r u going

Honey = to get ready for going to spa (and went to room)

Aadi = what happen to bcz in morning her mood was too good then now what all of sudden happen

Andy= leave it nothing happen

[honey came out off shoulder t-shirt and jean and she was looking cute]

Andy= looking beautiful

Honey = (look to him but ignore) slady r u ready we r getting late

Slady = (came out put phone in purse) yes ready

Andy= come I will drop u both

honey = (in serious tone) no need we know how to drive so we will go by ourselves (in rudely manner) come slady

[both went in car and drive off]

Aadi = andy what is this man

Andy= I don't know but she will be normal

Aadi = then it's ok and yes today after lunch I leave to home ok

Andy= as u wish but if u want to stay here or want to come then never thing about it twice bcz it's your friend home

Aadi = ok hey what I am saying that let's order food from us

Andy= ok u order food meanwhile I will check whether sacchi is wake or not

Aadi = ok

Andy= (went in to see sacchi and she was woke up and crying so andy just carry her and made her sit on his lap and carrying her hair) shh stop crying bcz good girl never even u r my brave girl right (she node with sobbing) so now stop crying (and hug her even she snuggle more in his arm like she was feeling that warm of father and this reaction was understand by andy so he just hug her more tightly but with safely and came out and when he saw sacchi was again slept in his holding his shirt in her tiny fist) she is soo cute as her masi

Aadi = yes she is as adorable as supergirl umm andy let go to your room so that she can sleep well

Andy= but she is not leaving me see (indicated on that fist)

Aadi = that why I am say that u lay down beside her and I will lay on other side

Andy= ok

[both went in room and made sacchi laydown in middle even andy and aadi on both side of bed but when andy lay down sacchi once again hug him even andy hug her and cover her with duvet and they talked on random thing even soon both sleep]

[Meanwhile honey and slady came]

Slady = r u ok (she ask her bcz of full body wax which honey have it)

Honey = no I am not I need a cool shower bcz my whole body is burning

Slady = but it was needed right (smirk smile)

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