Part 5

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[What are you thinking guys she went to slady's flat]

{Doorbell rings}

Slady= (open the door) honey you here and what is this, who did this to you hmm, and were is andy(she literally shake her body but honey was continue crying silently)

Honey = slady slady (while sobbing) he tied me like this and went out by saying that there is some important work so I came here without informing him because he slap me(said in kid tone)

Slady = what! he slap you and this rope he tied you with it, but this cut how it happen (worried look)

Honey = because I try to make myself free by cutting rope by knife but it came to vein and I got cut (with cute pout)

Slady = ok wait I will make u free (she did it) and put this bandage on your hand and sleep u seems to be tried. I will make soup for you

Honey = slady please don't leave me please (in scared tone)

Slady = ok I will not but just give me few minutes I will be back soon (kiss her on head)

{Doorbell ring}

[it was like some mad person is ring bell like hell and that person was no other then our own andy]

Slady= coming please wait (she open door) you here why are you here , now what do you want hmm (in angry tone)

Andy= (he was hell scared because when he came back at evening to home and he find honey was missing after then he saw drops of blood in room so he started worrying about her more and then he started finding her then a though strict in his mind that she might be with slady. His eye was blood red and his vein was highlighting because of anger. ) where is honey (he start shouting like angry lion) I want her now were is she gone (in frustrated)

Slady = she is sleep because I gave her medicine. But where were you hmm, did you know to make herself free she cut her half hand (in angry)

Andy= I know that why I came here and I want to take her home right now (in tone of ordering)

Slady = if she wish take her with you. I will not stop you (smirk)

Andy= I don't care if she wish or not, were is she I want to see her (in worried tone)

Slady = she is in that room ( in blank tone)

Andy= ok and thanks for taking care of my wife (smiled)

Slady = hmm but next time take care of my best friend (in bit serious angry tone)

Andy= (he enter the room) honey get up babu, my angel, my baby (kiss her forehead) get up fast we have to go home

Slady = so much of love then why this drama (while folding her hand)

[then andy told whole story ]

Slady =I want to say something and listen it properly because it will help you in future. she in her childhood the love of parent ,care ,attention whatever child desire that was not given by her parent because all time they were just ignoring her like anything .so now she is accepting all that things from you ,that all things which she have not done or wishes which is incomplete . So now you better understand what I mean to say. Take care of like glass doll because she is fragile .and u know about that head injury . (in caring tone)

Andy= I will .honey get up baby (in sweet tone)

Honey = no I will not because again u will tie me in that rope .did u know because of that rope I got cut see here see it's hurting (she was telling and showing that wound like a child)

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