Part 57

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 Slady = so aadi he is Mr James and his wife Mrs. Jasmine

Aadi = nice to meet u (gave smile)

Slady = (give them water) I will called andy out


Andy= (came and sit on sofa) So

Slady = andy this is james and his wife jasmine

Andy= joyfully to meet you both

James = thank for such nice greeting us

Andy= pleasure is my (smile)

Slady = andy so your angel is awake or not

Andy= she is awake playing game in iPad

James = (confused) don't mind slady but u said that person is young lady but here u talking but a kid

Andy= (laugh) sorry guys but she is like this only come with me

Honey = (how was under duvet) andy first u come alone then call them and u remember our rule

Andy= yes baby I remember your innocent rule (smile)

Slady = and what is that rule andy

Andy= I mean she don't want to sit alone

Slady = what!! I mean what r u saying andy

Andy= mean she want to have hair cut only if I take her in my lap (and he blush very hard) so that is her rule and second one is she want to drink hot chocolate at night before sleeping

Slady = ok I will make hot chocolate for all but

Andy= but what

Slady = did they will be comfortable to do hair cut

James = don't worry we will be comfortable in that right jasmine (smirk)

Jasmine = andy you go first and then call us we will come

[andy went in]

Andy= angel now get up people have came

Honey = people? (in scared tone)

Andy= I mean they r couple (smile) so now get up I will wrap u in scarf

Honey = ok but did remember promise (scared)

Andy= (while wrapping her with scarf) yes and they don't have any problem so now here u go scarf wrapping is done, now wait her I will call them inside (peaking and her lip)

[andy call them in]


James = hey angel

Jasmine = hi angel how r u

Honey = I am fine how r u both and yes u both look cute

Jasmine = thanks but u both r not less soo adorable couple I have ever seen true love bird and I mean it

James = so can we start

Andy= (saw honey and she was looking scared so he take her in side hug) yes right angel (and peak on her hair)

Honey = ok (and tears on verge)

[Andy seat on chair with honey on his lap and honey's face was facing toward andy. James wrap cloth over both of them. And when jasmine started wet her hair the tears also start flowing but andy held honey's hand and just started talking with some random things to divert her mind, so by this after sometime hair cut was done and she was looking wonderful in this new look after that she and andy went for and here slady with the help of jasmine clean the room and went out even andy with honey in his arms came out. It was 10 pm so James and jasmine went to their home]

Aadi = (seeing honey) omg my supergirl is looking soo cute like angel

Slady = (kiss on her head) so r looking sweet

Honey = if all have done then can I sit (serious tone)

Andy= yes come (and made her sit on his lap even hugged her tightly) so why my baby was crying hmm (caring her hair)

Honey = (hide her face in neck of him and started sucking it even tear started flowing) hmm

Andy= baby what happen please tell me

Honey = (while sobbing) I don't like this short hair

Andy= don't worry it will grow soon by baby (caring hair)

Honey = I want to sleep (dull tone)

Slady = but dinner

Honey = no I don't want to do dinner please let me go (in tears)

Andy= slady let her go and sleep

Aadi = good night supergirl

Honey = good night to all (went in room)

Slady = what happen to her why she is behaving different all of sudden

Andy= ignore she will be fine at morning

Slady = lets have dinner

Andy= ok lets go

Slady = I will take her to spa tomorrow

Andy= will she come with you

Slady = yes if u will tell her to go

Andy= what is time

Slady =10am

Andy= ok done

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