part 24

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[andy reach to hospital and there aadi was standing with 2 ward-boy and stretcher. He put his baby on that move toward the private cabin of aadi and enter in it and made honey sleep on bed and nurse put injection and pin the needle in her vein and aadi started checking his super girl]

Andy= what happen to her (in worry tone)

Aadi = same old thing nothing new (in sad tone)

Andy= what do u mean (confused tone)

Aadi = this is happening with her when she was in school because I know her and I was only one who always help her to come out by making laugh (smiled)

Andy= what do u mean say it directly (in panic one)

Aadi = so listen reason behind her puking was that when she scared have fear about something, her mind starts thing about that by different phases and possibilities which can occur and because of that she puke and about fainting down its simple because of weakness. But by which talk she became like this (in worry tone)

[Then andy told him story]

Aadi = don't force her mind to do anything otherwise if the level of her scariness will increase then her life would be in danger and might she start hurting herself but giving cuts on all over body so from now think thrice before u say anything (try to explain)

Andy= (he is be scared and worried) I will do my best to protect my angel

Aadi = make her fresh go for some holidays if it help her to recover (smiled)

[meanwhile slady came]

Slady = (started crying) why why always with her only why god did she do something wrong that u r just giving her punishment after punishment. After her childhood she carved for love of parent and people, friend and after to much she found me I became her soul mate her elder sister her best friend which she was searching for years. Then after when her cousin did with her that was not less but how can a bro do that to her sister who is very small to understand what he was doing with her, but she started think about that she feel weird and decide to tell her mom but what her mom did nothing just hide that action and give one more chance to him but she never thought that was she will have to surf from. (sobbing hard)

Andy= (he was in full anger and his eye where blood red and veins were clearly visible and side hug slady and wipe her tears) what this all happen to her and u never ever try to say me. And so that why she is not allowing me to touch her body

Slady = yes that is the reason behind she never committed her love, feelings and what not (in sad tone)

Andy= (went near to his angel who was sleeping) why u never told me about this all hmm

Aadi = I think she will wake up, so please keep smile and act like nothing happen to her and special you both wash your face and andy cool down because u know that she can sense your vibes (try to smile)

Andy= yes....

Slady = yes I will make her laugh as I don't know how crack jokes like she always do to make me happy but I will give my best (in dull tone)

Andy= so can I take her home (plan tone)

Aadi = after she wake up.....

Andy= aadi, slady I want your help not to convince her to come in award ceremony and also made her understand that no one I mean no one can raise hand in our relationship and not on her nor my character will destroy if she came in front of society. And slady how I can make honey as normal person because as per you that her bro did it with her the thing but did he cross the limits (in worry tone)

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