Part 14

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[all five seated in car, aadi in driving seat, slady with sacchi in front seat, andy and honey were on back sit hugged honey. And after few min they reach to hospital]

Aadi = put honey on this stretcher

Andy= NO I will not I will carry here in my arm's otherwise she feel my absence and it will be bad

Aadi = try to understand she is already in bad condition

Slady = only for second leave her put her on this

Andy= ok (and by very carefully he lay down her on that stretcher)

Aadi = (all arrangements are down saying to nurse) come with me andy

Andy= yes and I will be with her

Nurse = NO sir u can't not

Aadi = he will there with her and let it be there

Nurse = but sir

Aadi = no but ok

Aadi = slady u wait in my cabin and feel comfortable because its my private cabin so no one is allow in without my permission

Slady = but honey

Aadi = don't worry she is fine and if not then she will be fine

Slady = ok

Aadi = then I am going (and went to treatment room)

Aadi = nurse start treatment of checkup

Nurse start pin all wire in honey hand and head and putted oxygen mask on honey's mouth even insert small clip on her on finger and insert empty injection to take blood and started examine her

It was already6:30

And andy was holding her hand and not letting to leave

[but slowly honey started coming out of unconscious and taking name of andy]

Honey = andy were r u andy.............andy.............. andy..................

Andy= my babu I am here see I am with you I will not leave u alone never ever

Aadi = (was there) hey super girl

Honey = aadi you and wait where are we andy

Andy= we are in hospital because you were unconsciously fallen down in kitchen

Honey = what

Andy= yes my angel (kiss her forehead)

Aadi = but now u r all fine no need to worry for anything you can jump and u can do anything but for that u have taken necessary food daily

Honey = I am taking it aadi (said in cute puppy face)

Aadi = NO face magic or blackmailing ok

Honey = bad buddy

Aadi = that only is been teaching in your college

Honey = yes (and look at Andy who was lost in some other world) andysay some thing (hide her tears)

Aadi = no tears still you have pipe inserted in your hand

Honey = please remove all this it is hurting

Aadi = no after sometime

Honey = andy...... andy............... andy....................!

Andy= (came out his thought and saw tears in honey's eye) baby , my angel, baby what happen did this all is paining. But don't worry they will remove it ok (and kiss her on her head)

Aadi = I will do it on 8:30 and nurse give her injection

Honey =injection NO I will not take it and that is final. Andy tell them that I will not take it

Aadi = hey super girl don't worry it will not hurt ok

Honey = andy say them NO

Andy= babu take it please for me and see I'm here only, if u feel then take my hand hold it

Honey = I will hug u

Aadi = but it will hurt u more because that all wire will hurt u

Andy= what if I hug her carefully

Aadi = as your wish

[he hug her like he is hugging a glass doll]

[nurse put the injection in and tears start]

Andy= (hug honey and started caring her hair) don't worry angel just be clam and take breath. See I am here only

[Nurse insert the injection in her arm]

Andy= baby it over see now u can relax

Aadi = yes even this all wires will be taken out in few second and don't worry I will take it out so my super girl can't get hurt (and kiss her on head)

Honey = I want something to eat I am damn hungry

Andy= omg angel is hungry (saying in tone of teasing her)

Honey = andy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andy= hey just kidding

Aadi = I already order fruits

Honey = buddy!!!

Aadi = my super girl

Honey = I have not eaten anything from morning and here

Aadi = I know but this is good for health

Honey = NO

Andy= ok lets go home

Aadi = yes

Honey = but I am hungry (fallen in Andy arm)

Andy= honey ...............

Aadi = don't worry this because she have not eaten anything. And after reaching home can we talk alone

Andy= its about angel

Aadi = yes it is about your angel

Andy= ok then please drive car I will seat back with her

Slady = and make her drink water

Aadi = but she is (andy cut him in between)

Andy= she will drink it

[all five seated in car and aadi start driving and in other side andy was making honey to drink water. After some time they reach home. Slady open the lock of door and after that andy came with honey carrying in his arm and all went in]

Slady = andy make her sleep in bed room

Andy= yes u all sit I am coming (and went in with honey and made her sleep comfortably and came out)

Andy= so aadi what you were saying in hospital that u want to talk with me, is very thing ok. I mean is honey ok and her report

Aadi = so r u ready to listen

Andy= yes tell me fast 

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