Part 11

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[slady came up to see and wake up, but what she saw it was magic, andy was total on honey like his legs were on honey Thigh and hand were hugging whole upper part of her body. Honey was sleep so peacefully in the cozy corner of her hubby and sucking his neck. But slady got Ooo look when she saw honey in shorts]

Slady = (came out and knock the door) hello wake up my sweet love birds

Andy= (rubbing his eye and again hug honey) what happen why are you waking up us and what is time

Slady = it's already 5:30

Andy= omg I have to reach office (in panic)

Slady = then wake up (casually)

Andy= but how!!!! (Confused)

Slady = what do u mean!!!!!

Andy= come in and see

Slady = (came in and start laughing) what is this andy

Andy= buddy she was not able to sleep because of this heat

Slady = so now do one thing carry her and make her sleep in your room and go get ready I will make breakfast even lunch for u to take office

[andy carry her angel started went down and entered the room then placed her carefully on bed and kiss her on forehead by this action she smile]

Andy= slady I think I should wake babu for a while till I can't leave for office

Slady = but why u want to disturb her

Andy= if I will not wake up her then whole day she will be in disturb zone (worried)

Slady = what do u mean (confused)

Andy= because when she don't see me in morning because she is sleeping so without saying her good morning and peak on cheek her day is all dull, she feel like there no positive vibes

Slady = "vibes" right did u know but her vibes

Andy= yes I know and I have even expression, it is too much powerful

Slady = wake up her till I will make tea for u both

Andy= but wait after making tea pour it that big mug

Slady = ya I know. Now u go and wake up your angel

Andy= yes.

Andy= angel wake up its 6:30

Honey = (start moving to find something) NO

Andy= (he sense that she searching for him, so he seat beside her and made her wake up by hugging her) babu let's wake fast come. Because I have to go for office

Honey = (suddenly wake up and tear started coming out) NO please don't go (she spoke like A child is not happy to leave her mom)

Andy= aww my baby is crying because I am going to office. Don't worry I will call you when every there will free time.

Honey = promise (in childish manner)

Andy= yes my babu (kiss her cheeks). But now get up and freshen up I am wait for u in room

Honey = help me please

Andy= yes but what u want

Honey = just keep standing behind me and hug me so I cannot fall down

[here honey start cleaning her teeth and after washing face andy clean her wet face with towel]

Andy= now I am standing out only u take bath

Honey = NO

Andy= what NO that u have to do yourself

Honey = u can help me in that also and that u know what I mean to say (naughtily smile)

Andy= yes I know that but that help I will do on Sunday

Honey = NO NO NO I was just kidding (worried)

Andy= NO but I am serious at this time (while smirking)

Honey = I will go for bath and come u wait out (run towards bathroom)

(andy laugh at her acting and went out)

[after sometime honey came out wearing crop top and short pant because all of sudden from yesterday she is feeling hot in body, she feel like her body is burning. and because of crop top her milky stomach was seen by andy]

Andy= lets go (and they went out in living room of breakfast)

Slady = breakfast is ready come to table

Honey = No I want here

Slady = its bad manner ok so come here and have it then go

Honey = no I will not come there give me here

[And then both started arguing with each other]

Andy= stop (louder in angry tone) I said stop this because of u sacchi will wake up. And slady she never eat anything (in serious tone) so give me mug I will make her drink. Meanwhile u see whether sacchi is sleeping or not.

Honey = andy I want to eat chocolate (in kid tone)

Andy= after finishing this (consoled like father)

Honey = then hug me (with cute pout)

Andy= yes come in (smiled hugged her and kiss on hair)

(and now a days andy was pampering honey like one year old child)

[honey came under andy's arms and rest her head, meanwhile andy started make her to drink tea, and finally she completed with showing so many tantrum on andy]

Honey = now

Andy= now u go to sleep and I will go to my work even slady will go to her home I will drop her while going to office

Honey =but I want chocolate

Andy= not now u need rest see u look soo tried (kiss her eyes). And at evening your buddy is coming

Honey =  (in excited tone) aadi

Andy= yes so now let go in room after making u sleep I will go office, even I will lock all window, doors of balcony and the main door also by dummy key

Honey = ok

[andy make her sleep will caring her hair. And after that he want to office with slady to drop her at her home]

Andy= slady are you ready....

Slady = yes but what about honey because she is alone.

Andy= not totally alone

Slady = what do u mean (confused look)

Andy= see this

Slady = what

Andy= see this

Slady = ok so CCTV camera all over in house

Andy= so now lets move (smirk)

[andy seat and slady on back seat because sacchi was sleeping in her arm. after some time they reach to slady's home. And after dropping her. Andy when to office]

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