Part 30

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Andy= (wake up and not find honey) angel were r u my baby (went out and searched all in home but at last he found the door of study room is open and when he went in and he saw his baby is sleep down in weird condition) angel (he screamed and carry her to the room and when he made her sleep suddenly honey start murmuring something)

Honey = (sobbing) slady they were saying that I am rich so now I will make andy dance on my finger tip and I will make him slave to do my work did u know that why I told NO to andy that don't feed me. And they told that I am not beautiful I am not good looking, I am simple and not fashionable not styles and I can't stand with him. And what not. am I looking this even I cannot make him dance on my hand even I can't think in dream then how they can say like this slady (started sobbing) why I can't deserve happiness and even they were saying that I can't love him the way alya was loving him, they r wrong I love andy like infinity but it is just I don't showoff

Andy= that's why she didn't have dinner from my hand, why I can't see that (feeling worst)

Honey = (slowly open her eye and move toward him) andy sorry I went to study room

Andy= (he saw that his angel is very weak and dull like someone have snatch her brightness) hey its ok now go and freshen up

Honey = yes (when she try to get up but suddenly she fainted down on bed)

Andy= angel.................. (shouted on highest level)

Honey = (came back in sense) andy please help me to get ready


Honey = (then suddenly she remembers that peoples words) NO

Andy= why

Honey = because then peoples will say that I am making u dance on my fingertips (in low tone)

Andy= no one will say that ok now come (in serious tone)

Honey = hmm but

Andy= no but ok. Now u sit while I will come after closing all doors

Honey = hmm

Andy= (he can sense that her angel is going to be in big trouble) come on

[andy take her cloth and after putting in stand he made honey sit in tub and started cleaning her by scrub and after make her bath and made her wear cloth he came out while carry honey and made her sleep]

Honey = andy please don't go office for today (with some tear)

Andy= (in tensed tone)is anything is happening with u. r u feeling unwell

Honey = (faded tone) nothing is happen to me it is just that I am scared and I don't want to be alone

Andy= (smile) ok I will bring food and juice u stay here ok

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