Part 63

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Slady = what happen why u call aadi

Andy= nothing much

Slady =hmm, but where is honey

Andy=she sleep

Slady= then go bcz in this phase she needs u most

Andy=ok I am going

[Andy went in and saw his angel was sleeping with frowned head and was cuddling for andy, by seeing this Andy smile and hug her tightly even peak on her head]

Andy= angel (in his sweet tone)

Honey = hmm

Andy= anything is happening I mean is your stomach is paining

Honey = (started crying) yes bcz I am hungry (while sobbing)

Andy= (caring her hair) lets go then (carry her in his arms even she snuggle more)

[both went to dinning area]

Slady= so your baby is wake up

Honey = yes andy's baby is wake up

Andy= (sat on chair and made honey sit on his lap even kiss on her cheek) slady angel is hungry so food is ready

Slady = yes but wait a little bcz aadi is on his way, until then I will wake up sacchi (and went to sacchi room)

Andy= (while caring her belly with one hand and on the other hand messaging her br*a*t, even honey was her head on his chest and sucking his neck) baby now u r growing up so you have be mature, be careful while waking don't run, eat properly, bcz now u are carrying a life inside you

Honey = (still sucking neck) hmm

Slady = (came with sacchi) guys sacchi is here (she alerted them)

Andy= (stop messaging but hands were still caring belly even honey stop sucking but her head still resting on his shoulder)hey sacchi so u wake up

Sacchi = yes but why princess is sitting like this (in worry)

Slady = (take her in lap) bcz your princess is tired


Aadi = hello peoples

Slady, andy, honey, sacchi= hey

Honey = slady I want food (in tears)please

Andy= hey angel don't cry ok (hug her tightly)

[Slady served food. Andy is feeding even honey is eating silently]

Andy= angel you want more (after cleaning her face with his hand)

Honey = yes but not this I want orange, (smile)

Andy= orange !!

Honey = yes I want eat orange

Andy= ok I will order on big basket

Aadi = andy not only orange order other fruits also like star fruit, apple, banana, grape, pineapple.

Andy= ok (ordered it)

Honey = can I go and sleep (in low voice)

Andy= but angel u just wake now

Honey = (in tear) but if I want to sleep again then

Andy= ok I will come (carry her till bed even close the door and both lay down, andy hug her)what happen baby

Honey = (snuggle more) I am not feeling good

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