Part 73

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[Honey is highly scared seeing injection she is sweating so she hug andy tightly ]

Andy - shhh...... Shh.... (Making her clam down bcz her actions were like panic attack) angel see I am with you ok (holding her hand and kaushal gave the injections)

Honey - Andy I want to sleep can you make me sleep..

[Andy sign to all to out]

Andy - come my angel (spread his arms and take her in hug and started carry her hair and peeking her temper) sleep my baby.... Don't stress yourself too much I am here for you I will not leave you, not in my dreams because you are my sweetest, cutest baby.. (Pull her cheeks)

Honey - (in baby tone) Andy, would I be able to become a good mother...

Andy - yes angel you will be most brilliant and amazing mother in this world... Because I know my angel is so much caring towards our love... And now sleep...

[Started humming some song and sooner honey dozed off and Andy came out and sat near kaushal]

Kaushal - so how is honey now...

Andy - (in sad tone) she is doubting herself (because somewhere down he was hurt because his angel was losing her self confidence and worth.. ) like she is questioning would she be able to be good mother

Kaushal - don't worry she will be ok once this phase will be past..

Andy - but i can't see her in vulnerable state, she was never behaving like this...

Aadi- bcz of this minor internal injury.. thing will be fine too... Just We have to create a new atmosphere around her...

Slady - now you all go and take rest... And Andy spend maximum time with your angel...

[All went in.]

(Call come in Andy's phone and name is alya)

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