Part 31

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[when to kitchen and added sleeping spills in juice so that she can sleep well but inside his heart he was feeling guilty so after adding that he came and made her drink and eat food and after sometime she sleep in his arm by that slowly he get up and went to study room to call aadi]

Andy= hello doctor aadi speaking? (in question tone)

Aadi = yes u r andy right!

Andy= yes (blank tone)

Aadi = (he sense the tone of andy that something is happen with honey) why sudden call is everything ok is super girl fine

Andy= no she is not fine that's why I call u (sad tone)

Aadi = what happen to her now (in tease tone)

Andy= (told whole story) so tell what should I do now

Aadi = do one thing I am coming home and u call slady (in straight tone)

Andy= but why to call slady (confused tone)

Aadi = (serious tone) because it is now high time we have to find out each and every phase of honey which connect to her life whether it is good or bad because now her condition is becoming critical day by day and because of that it is damaging her whole body (worrying tone)

Andy= ok come but can u come with the injection for which honey can sleep at least for 3 to 4 hour because for now I have given her pills so that she call sleep (in sad tone)

Aadi = I will (smile)

Andy= ok then bye...

Aadi = bye....



Andy= hello slady (in plane tone)

Slady = hi andy how r u and your angel (in cheerful tone)

Andy= angel is not fine that why I call you to come my home even aadi is also coming so u also come fast (in worry tone)

Slady = ok bye (in panic tone)

[after sometime aadi and slady came and all trio sat in study room]

Aadi = so as per you told me the story u have to be alert u have to start observing her each and every move. And slady u tell me what was the past of honey till now

Slady = (to andy) so honey told u everything about SHEER and ETHICAL TWINS

Andy= yes (confused)

Slady = and even she gifted car yes and even entered your name in shareholder with us so now the thing which we were hiding from last many year is now out with all and by this honey is scared because there r many rival again our company who will happily try to kill u because now for honey u r the gem and if they destroy you then they can easily break down honey in million of part and if brain of company is half paralyze then there r chances that company can go toward big loss. But its good that they don't know about my angel. Even I have planned that when sacchi will turn into 12 I will send her to London and she will stay in our mansion and after completing her 12 I will start give her training like tekvando, horse ridding, gun shooting, then even jumping from high walls so that if situation occur then she can jump from any height, skill management, art, music, hacking, cyber security everything. So that in future if and trouble or problem come she can fight back with full power

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