Part 32

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Andy= this all is good but tell me about my angel's past (in eager tone)

Slady = so listen when she was young she was like introvert not to speak with anyone and in school day she always spend her recess with her elder cousin bro and play with him even sometimes with his friend but slow she started making friends so her first friend was suhani they both were best friends but when she was in 3rd std her other cousin bro came whose age was equal to honey both were at same age so now there were three member she was very happy to see friends than you came aadi he became more closer friend of her

And after time pass aadi left that school and went to another school and even for one year honey also change the school because her both cousins were there in that same school so, but she was badly missing her old school so after completing that year they again transfer her into her old school she was very happy but when she visited her first day of school she was shock that her all old friends best friends have leave that school and some of few were old but they were not her friend and not a good person but then also any how she was surviving between them. Then one day there was entry of girl name jyoti and she became her best friend and part of her life what ever happen in her life she started sharing with her and jyoti also support till they completed her 10 and after that honey came to college to do diploma and jyoti went to do 11 and 12 std in commerce and after completing her 11 and 12 she shifted to other place with all her family members but then also they both didn't forget each other till now because jyoti stay in Paris so whenever we visit honey always go to her home. And honey's first day in college is what I remember crystal clear that she came in between the class and she came and sat beside me as isolated soul, so I smile then she also smile at me and from that our friendship journey start she was standing behind me to support in my bad phase but the day can to know that there was some problem in her family and they were not supporting her and much more like humiliating and what not so from that she become a girl with a serious face she never try to enjoy a college life even sometime we friends ask her to come for movie, dinner she always say NO she started thinking about her family environment and that was effecting on hers study and she started hating her family even sometime she says that slady I don't want to go home I am not feeling good I hate them all and why she could not say that because she was been mentally hares and I remember she told me about her cousin that what he did for few year with her because that cousin was staying in her home only she told me that at one night they all were sleeping at terrace and sleeping arrangement was like cousin brother than honey than her younger brother than her mom and dad so she was in 8std so she knew little bit that what is wrong and what is right and at that night she was wearing white shorts which cover her half leg till joints and half sleeve t-shirt and it was bit cold because wind was bit cool so she cover her till shoulder and sleep while facing towards her cousin and she was too deep in her sleep that she didn't know that her cousin have already started like kissing her eye, on cheeks while giving wet kiss on it and earlobe then at jaw line of her, and then when she turn around facing her back started kissing at neck then he move her t-shirt bit low from shoulder and kiss her back and taken her into his blanket and when she again side and facing toward him he remove the other sleeve bit down from shoulder and kiss her on shoulder and kissing her till neck portion while giving wet kiss or I should say open mouth kiss or sucking then he slowly started moving her t-shirt up from stomach and at that honey snuggle so suddenly he hug her from back while putting his hand around her waist under her t-shirt but by sudden cool touch honey jerk move out in sleeping and even her cousin also move her out of his blanket and made her cloth normal and cover her with her blanket. And so after that she never trust any of the guy and she always run away from word love because it was too much heavy for her then in 4sem sir u came the day u arrive she told me that someone is new in our college so I told her maybe any new student or professor but she was like lost in u you and then went u came in our class she was just lost in you when u were explaining us and smile occur on her face then after some she told me slady there is something in this person which is attracting me with full force. so in my mind I told myself that she is already fallen in ocean of love because the way she was giving important, respect, and try to be perfect infront of u but one day u scold her because she did not speak in manner and not giving respect and from that day she was scared but sometimes she forgot to scare because u speak with her in friendly way and the time repeat once we bunk the class because of your exam, at that day evening she call me and said that slady tomorrow sir will scold us and he will give a big punishment to us then I ask how u know then she said in have a dream when I was sleeping at afternoon that his anger is out of control and he will burst like volcano but I told her to be relax after that on next day the vision was as honey describe in her dream u scold whole class and by getting hard on us u gave punishment and in recces time she told that see I told u that he will be in angry and then GFSU visit happen in some other college which was organized by u so she was a kind of happy that u will also come but u told that u will not come she was bit upset it was soon divert by me like we started playing game with other some students then even we enjoy the visit because it was our favorite topic so we were damn excited to reach and while coming back also we enjoyed and after that we both did degree together and master so now our base was clear and even at that time we have atleast some money from which we can start our dream name SHEER . Slowly our company started touching the sky of success sooner than other old company so they started jealousy on our success than became rivals. So that's why she was not telling u about us and that's why we never came infront of digital media.

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