Part 16

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[Meanwhile honey can out while rubbing her eyes and sat beside andy and andy take her in hug and kiss her on forehead]

Aadi = hey sleeping beauty feeling well (in cheerful tone with smile)

Honey = yes (smile)

Slady = hey fine now (tensed)

Honey = yes (smile)

Andy= my angel is still feeling sleepy (caring her cheeks with thumb)

Honey = hmm (snuggled more in his arm)

Andy= then go and have sleep (in sweet tone and kiss on her head)

Honey = noo (in childish tone)

Andy= is it hurting you (and kiss on her lower lip)

Slady = yes I was going to ask that only what happen on her lower lips (worrying tone)

Honey = (andy was just trying to say but honey started speaking first) yes actually andy was coming to catch me and meanwhile I slip and the corner of side table hit me so that's why it hurt me (simply said)

Andy= yes wait I will bring ice bag for you (and peek on lip)

[andy went in and back to back slady can in]

Slady = (suddenly) you bite her very hardly like mercilessly. Why so hard on u because I know u cannot see her in this pain (in painful tone with sadness)

Andy= I know but sometime she is out of control (worried tone)

Slady = but didn't she get angry on u for that bite? (confused look)

Andy= no because I think she loved this sudden action (winking eye)

[both came out of kitchen and what they see that honey is sleeping. So carefully andy take her in his arms, made her rest her head on his chest and hug her tightly]

Andy= (started doing massage on that bite)

Honey = (suddenly wake up in jerk)

Andy= hey relax baby just close your eyes I know its hurt (and started blowing air for mouth while keeping ice bag)

Aadi = super girl don't run like this that u hurt yourself (in worrying tone)

Slady = yes aadi is right (and smile)

Andy= angel speak something (try to make her mood normal)

Honey = hmm (in blank tone)

Andy= what hmm are you thinking something (while messaging)

Honey = hmm (still blank tone)

Andy= (make her face turn towards him) now say what happen

Honey = I want to sleep (in sad tone)

Andy= come sleep (stopped massaging)

Honey = (keep her head on his chest and started playing with bracelet once again) andy I

Andy= first stop this I have told you before that don't play with it (in bit serious tone)

Honey = ok (in cute pout)

Andy= (smile and side hug her while putting his hand on her waist) honey see I don't like to do anger on you but you only make my monster mood ON

Honey = sorry (with cute puppy pout)

Andy= (smile and peek on head) sleep

Honey = (snuggled) yes but tell me what do u did in office today

Andy= so listen I did some important work which was pending due to the holiday I have taken leave (and started saying her what he did in office) but how was your

Honey = I was sleeping then suddenly I wake up to drink water but it was no there on side table so I stand up and walk towards the kitchen and take water bottle but all of sudden I feel have weight in my body and then it was dark toward me and then I don't know and after that when I open my eye then I was in hospital that's it

Andy= hmm (listening to her he was bit scared bcz what if something to her when he is not there then)

Honey = but what was happen to me (confused tone)

Andy= nothing (smiled)

Honey = no something was happen to me (and tears started rolling out)

Andy= hey angel stop crying nothing is happen to you and till I am there with you nothing can happen to you ok now sleep

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