Part 65

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Andy = (was awake and seeing his baby who was sucking his neck and fist his shirt in little hand) why u r so cute and adorable and why this world is up to hurt you (and hug her tightly) it 9am I think I should wake up my baby, baby wake angel come let's go out (while caring her cheeks and kissed on head)

Honey = no I want more sleep please (in baby tone)

Andy = we will sleep after lunch ok (and suddenly take her in his lap but by this honey started crying) shhh..... baby good baby never cry and you are my baby right andy's baby and you know if good baby cry then her andy will feel guilt (make fake crying face)

Honey = (while sobbing) no why u r feeling guilt see I wake up (and stand up on bed)

Andy = so let's freshen up together

Honey = (spread her hand) andy

Andy = (smiled and carried her) come baby

[carried her till bath room and both freshen up together after that andy made her wear clothes and both came out]

Slady = (smiled) hey honey so how is your health

Honey = I am fine bcz when my andy is with me then his baby can never be in trouble (and kiss his cheek)

Andy = aadi when we have to go for check up

Aadi = let's go I have taken appointment also

Honey = (in innocent way) andy is this check-up is necessary (tears started follow)

Andy = (cub her face and rub her cheek even kiss her both eye) angel this is for your good health and if you r scared of doctor then don't worry bcz doctor is none other than your brother kaushal

Honey = (in excited tone) really

Andy = (kiss her cheek)yes my baby so now lets go ok


[in waiting area honey was sitting on andy's lap at that time nurse came and call them in cabin so then went.]

Nurse = u sit here doctor is coming

Aadi = no problem (saw honey) supergirl don't scare ok we are here only and u r my strong girl right (and kiss on her head)

Honey = (who was sitting in between of aadi and andy) yes I am strong girl and this check up is good for my baby also bcz I should know whether my baby is fine in her mummy womb

[at that time kaushal enter]

Kaushal = see my sister so intelligent (sat on chair)

Honey = yes I am (in excited)

Aadi = hey kaushal (smiled)

Kaushal = hello aadi how are you (smiled)

Aadi = I am fine and this is honey's husband andy

Andy = hello (smiled)

Kaushal =hello so you are the one how can bear her mood swing (in teasing tone and look at honey who was busy in her phone)

Andy = she is just a cute antic piece (side hug her)

Kaushal = so lets start check up ( and stand up)

Andy = yes

Kaushal = nurse (nurse came) take her inside the room and changed her meanwhile I am coming

Andy = can I come with you !!

Kaushal = why (question tone)

Aadi = allow him to come bcz if supergirl will alone she will not allow u or anyone to touch her (and explain him)

Kaushal = (smiled) ok

Nurse = (came toward honey who is busy in doing something in her phone) ma'am please come with me

Honey = (was in shock state and looking toward andy even hold his hand tightly and tears were on verge) what...I mean ... where taking andy I don't want to go

[kaushal was surprised seen honey like this bcz the honey which he saw in past was strong and now honey have is this much weak and fragile]

Andy = (hugged her tightly and started caring hair)shhhh...... baby you are good angel (honey bobbed her head in yes) then baby stop crying and you only said that you want see whether our love is safe in your womb or not then now what suddenly happen

Aadi = (whispered) this is due to panic attack

Andy = kaushal do one thing u go first I am coming with her

Kaushal = ok (went in with nurse)

[after that with lot of explanation honey was ready so andy cared her in bridal style and put honey on hospital bed even sat beside her by holding her hand]

Kaushal = honey (in sweet tone) see I will only check you so don't stress out bcz it is not good for both of you (call nurse) please bring 3 empty injection

Honey = (in scare) injection and that also 3

Aadi = (smiled) supergirl it will not hurt and if it hurts then hug andy

Honey = ok

[kaushal started examine her continually 4 hour and honey was hell tired after finishing they came out and honey was already slept in andy arm sucking his neck]

Kaushal = she is such cutie pie (and kiss on her head) but why she is acting so different and why she is sucking your neck (in tensed tone)

Andy = it's a long story

Kaushal = but then also tell me why she is sucking your neck (in tensed tone)

Andy = she sucked neck when she is scared, sad, confused.

Kaushal = hmm (at that time nurse came with report and give to him then he see the report) so andy she is fine and reports are normal but there is one problem (with dull tone)

Andy = (in tensed) what is that (and hug honey more tightly like he want to protect her angel from this world)

Kaushal = there are chance that she may faded while pushing baby out due to low stamina or due to much of pain bcz now while seeing her condition I am also scared bcz what if she will not able to bear pain then we may lose her (in low tone)

Andy = (the one word stuck in his mind and that was "we may lose her") I can't lose her, she is my life, my soul I can't afford to lose her

Aadi = but there many other way to take baby out from mother's womb

Kaushal = there are and I will trying my level best to keep my honey on safe side (in responsible tone) and now u guys can leave and I coming this evening at you're home (smiled)

Andy = ok I will send driver

Kaushal = done 

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