Part 28

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Host = good evening to all the man present over here with their beautiful lady and there cute angel sitting with them so here we start our function by give our first award which is BEST EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR and this award goes to Mr. andy. So please come up on the stage to receive your award. Guys give around of claps for him

[Andy went up to receive it alone because he know that honey will not come until he will not call her up on the stage. He went up on stage and received the award]

Host = mr andy I know from last few year u r take this award and this time also without break the record u win this award so how u are feel and we have listen that your new wife is also here so can u please call her up on the stage (and gave one extra mike to andy)

Andy= (smiled) good evening all the people out there I wish I am lucky person who have such a beautiful wife so I would like to welcome my wife Mrs. Honey. Honey please come up on the stage

Host = yes ma'am please come up on the stage audience please give around of applauds to Mrs. Honey

[honey came up on the stage and stand beside andy while andy side hug her while his hand on her waist]

Media person = sir we know your whole history but in that there was the status of alya ma'am but what about her who is she, from where she belongs, what is her class, what is her family status, because as far we know u r the great man with higher class and your status is clearly show on your hard work than what about this girl (and suddenly questions started firing on honey status, and her identity but the sentence made andy in anger mood) sir I think she is here with u because to enjoy on your money and what else this type of normal girls can do

Media person = sir we know your whole history but in that there was the status of alya ma'am but what about her who is she, from where she belongs, what is her class, what is her family status, because as far we know u r the great man with higher ...

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Andy= man (he shout and hold honey tightly) mind your tongue before speaking out the word which u should not speak. And guys so u want to listen about her like who is she, what is her identity so listen. Her name is honey wife of andy and heir of SHEER yes she is the owner of that company or I should say that she is one who raise this company to success with her friend slady because till today we know only name of the company and the story behind the success but in every interview the behind this company was the 2 lady but who we don't know till now but tonight we know the honey and slady r the two girls who build this empire. But they never show off to people about their class because their hands and head have touch the sky of heaven and success but there legs r still on the earth with a normal class people because honey said that by becoming a successful person in life it does not mean u forget to people with who u have past your moment because not forget they r the one who brings u up by help or by prayer good wealth from god and a person who start ignoring that peoples can never be happy because at that time u have all things which can make your life like a royal but a smile can help a poor man to rich man, and one more thing you all have listen the name ETHICAL TWINS so they r none other than this 2 lady. And by all this I am proud that I got honey In my life.

Host = andy u r lucky guy to have wife like her

Honey = andy I want to say something can i

Andy= yes u can take it (gave mike to her)

Honey = andy is lucky one but from your side of vision, but I should say I am the lucky that I have husband like him. He always show his undefined love, caring toward me which all lady to wish have husband like him. Last I want say that never judge a female not even girl or women because female includes all, never judge then by there status, looks because where she is fair or dull from skin but her heart is as pure as god, and family background because family can give u there identity until u can't become a successful person but after that u have make your own identity and from this new one u can't judge there family background because they try make u successful but if u only don't do anything and just enjoy on your person wealth then guy I am damn sure that they will definitely judge them. So have heavenly evening (and both moved on and seat on sit)

Andy= (kiss her forehead) r u ok feeling nice or still that all questions r bothering you.

Honey = (Was in deep thought of ocean in which she flowing endlessly) hmm

Andy= (was deadly worried about the situation take place while before) do u want to go home

Honey = no I am fine we can go after completing this function

Andy= (can see her bright face was converting in dull face) ok

[after few awards the next award is declare]

Host = so the next award is for BEST ACHIEVEMENT OF THE YEAR and this award goes to none other than mr andy. So please welcome him

Andy= thanks for award and I glad have this award

Host = u deserve it man because of your hard work

Andy= yes I once again thanks to all and even want thanks my wife who is lucky charm for me

[andy went down and sat as he was sitting. And after that award session dinner session started. All where in sitting group and even honey and andy were with their group of office because andy was polite person soon he went with honey and seat with them and started eating dinner but when he started feed her honey hold his hand and say no and even andy understand why she is no letting him to feed here. So silently both have dinner with group with some talk. After then they reach home and after freshen up both went to bed room but honey deny to come because]

Andy= lets sleep u would be tried (put his hand on her shoulder)

Honey = I have some work so I am not feeling to sleep u go I will come later (faded smile)

Andy= where r u going because u can do your work sitting here also (telling her in sweet tone)

Honey = no because lights will disturb you so I am going to study room were my gadgets bag and other file is there (smile)

Andy= (understood the situation) ok than I will also join because I have some work

Honey = ok then come (blank tone)

[both went to study room which contains one table with office chair, set of sofa and 3 bin bag chair, AC and one single bed and washroom]

Honey = please andy I know u don't have work u r tired and if something will happen to you than you will follow sick that u know that I can't see u like this (worry tone)

Andy= that is what I am tell to u that u have no work so let's go to sleep

Honey = ok lets go

Andy= sleep my angel (hug her tightly)

Honey = I am feeling weird and even getting bad vibes (in scary tone snuggled more in his arm, it was like she want to hide herself into his body)

Andy= angel it is because of this unwanted rainy weather and thundering and lighting of cloud (making her clam down)

[Suddenly light gone and other side honey started sweating badly because she was scaredof darkness and loud sounds]

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