Part 23

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Andy= (came in kitchen and hug her and peak on cheek) good morning my angel

Honey = (she was all time blushing) good morning sweet heart

Andy= (surprise)something new is it because of this morning dose and if that is the reason behind it then I will love to do it always but for that u have to wake up early because it take time as today we spend 2hours in it (and saw honey is blushing) why r u blushing r u feeling shy

Honey = (was busy in making lunch) hmm

Andy= answer me baby (sat on slab of kitchen)

Honey = (still) hmm

Andy= what hmm r u cow

Honey = hmm

Andy= (try to tease her to get her attention) will u do oral sex with me tonight (with smirk because he was thinking that she don't know anything about this)

<writer pov: but sorry andy she know each and every thing related to it>

Honey = (without any attention) hmm

Andy= (surprise tone) what u will do it

Honey = (completed making lunch and putted on table which is right in front of TV and sofa) what I will (confused)

Andy= what......

Honey = what u said a few min back

Andy= (with smirk) I said that "will u do oral sex with me tonight" and u ans me hmm it mean yes

Honey = (in stammering) I... will.... Not.. do... any.... That... type... of thing ....ok.. (in bit fear tone)

Andy= so u know about that (in confused)

Honey = I know each and everything related to it (in confident tone)

Andy= Ooo so my angel is intelligent great proud of u (smiled)

Honey = u should proud on me but first thanks to slady she is the one who give me this knowledge by suggesting me different book

Honey = because I can read this scene but can't see it (in shy tone)

Andy= ok so now lunch then medicine and then for shopping

Honey = medicine for what (in cute tone)

Andy= to make my angel and aadi's super girl more powerful (pull her cheek)

Honey = I will not because it is very yucky (childish manner)

Andy= ok we will decide it later now lunch

Honey = yes

Andy= and do u made spicy today(in questioning tone)

Honey = no

Andy= great (and started feed her as aadi have suggest her to feed. and in between honey was show her tantrums and becoming child but by this they completed their food and make her drink juice)

Honey = I will clean the kitchen and come ok (after completing it she saw andy is standing near kitchen stand) what now

Andy= medicine (showing his hand)

Honey = NO and started running in living room

Andy= (catch her and made her sit on him and trap her leg by covering his legs and trap her hand by his one hand. Even after all this honey try to make herself free but andy is every strong to handle her sweet wife) now where u will go hmm. So take this medicine fast open your mouth (but honey close her mouth with tight lip and move her head in NO) so u will not ok then (after listening this she smile and that time andy put medicine in her mouth and make her drink water) now finish

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