part -45

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[honey came in]

Honey = (while going in room)slady lets have lunch (with some smile🙂)

Slady = yes , you come with andy and make him walk till dining area☺

Honey = yes🙂

Honey = (sit on bed) andy come take your hand and put around my shoulder and hold it tightly (he did) now slowly stand up with me (he did) now walk with me match my footsteps ok don’t hurry up ( and by this they reach to dining table and made andy sit on chair)

Andy = so now I know my angel is also strong

Honey = only for u, to protect u and my family which includes you, slady, sacchi and (stop)

Andy = and for our baby right

Honey = yes😌 (blushing like mad)

Andy = (pull her cheek and kiss her forehead) aww soo cute my baby look when she blush, right slady

Slady = yes your baby is feeling more shy now a days

Honey = ok now stop I am hungry (with cute pout😚)

Andy = yes lets have lunch then we will talk ok

Honey = but where is sacchi😕

Slady = I have made her eat early so now she is sleeping

[they have their lunch by some talk and leg pulling and teasing to honey and even honey feed andy whole lunch and after completing]

Slady = you take andy in your room meanwhile I will clean this kitchen and come

Honey = ok (because she knew that slady will not allow to do work so she and Andy went in and sat on bed)

Andy = so my baby is feeling better (caring her cheek)

Andy = so my baby is feeling better (caring her cheek)

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Honey = yes☺

Andy = so🙂

Honey = so🙂

[At that time slady enter..]

Slady = (came in) so honey plan is in progress and they are doing there best

Andy = what plan🤨? Angel tell me what is cooking in your mind hmm

Honey = nothing😏 it is just that police is not doing their work properly so I am doing their work to find that person and the vehicle😎

Andy = (in angry tone😡) no need ok I don’t want any trouble again

Honey = andy chill nothing will happen ok so now you sleep☺

Slady = honey I think door bell is ringing

Honey = wait I will open it

Slady = ok but be careful

Honey = no one can even touch honey (with attitude and smirk😏😎 on face)

Andy - (in mind) and here my old honey is back 😅

[open the door and the person is  standing with bag]

Mr. peterson = (showing bag) ma’am all detail regarding that incident

Honey = great come in and that is study room go there I am coming
[honey went to aney room (andy+honey =aney)]

Honey = slady u go to study room and I am coming with andy

Slady = yes be careful I mean handle him careful

Andy = she will because see is my strong angel

Honey = yes

[slady went to study room]

Honey = see andy don’t speak in between infact don’t speak only ok just listen and watch (said in serious tone)

[andy stand up with the help of honey and honey hold him from one hand on waist and andy hold her from waist and tight his grip and they reach to the study room and andy sat on bed and rest his back on bed rest]

Honey = (went toward Peterson)so which type of  information you collected

Peterson = there are some paper which you have to read and some audio and video recording and they are none other than our rival but now he and his family are with us , i mean to say that they are under our observation

Slady = how many people are there in his family

Peterson = man itself, then his wife and they have four children three boys who is married and one girl. Girl of 22 and boys are of 20, 24, 27 they are living in foreign. And he loves his family and mostly his daughter.

Honey = (sitting on chair started laughing loud) 😂😏🤣😆ha….ha….ha …. What one of 20 and other of 22 ha….ha…..ha I mean no patience no gap between to child ha…ha….ha…. what u fool guy he is. (With a smirk😏)

[slady and andy were staring at honey with very weird face and was shock by seeing this evil side of honey]

Honey = soo (she speak with evil smile) he loves his daughter right

Peterson = right ma’am and yes see this papers and this recording

Honey = I will see it later because now its time for some action (with evil smile and smirk)

Andy = NO I mean no you will do nothing ok just stay away for this all matter (in worry tone)

Honey = see andy they have try to harm you so now it is payback time (in straight tone)

Slady = yes tit for tat😏

Andy = but then also stop this all

Honey = sorry but game is already on

Please like the chapter... And if there is any mistake then please let me know...
Lots of love to alll

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