part -52

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Andy = (lay down beside and take her in his arm) baby wake up time (and started caring her hair) wake up angel otherwise you will not able to sleep at night come on angel

Honey = (started moving and suddenly started crying🥺) no I want to sleep more (and hugged him even hide her face in his chest)

Andy = see you are my good girl right and good girl never cry hmm so now get up ok even I have to clean your body

Honey = ok (in childish tone) but I want to bath in tub

Andy = come it’s already fill

[andy placed her in tub and started cleaning her body with his hand because scrub will hurt her wound. After sometimes he finished cleaning her body and dry up and made her wear only his loss long shirt which highly cover her thigh and skirt even seat her hair and keep it open, then they both came out]

 After sometimes he finished cleaning her body and dry up and made her wear only his loss long shirt which highly cover her thigh and skirt even seat her hair and keep it open, then they both came out]

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Slady = how are you feeling now😌

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Slady = how are you feeling now😌

Honey = nice


Maya = ma’am that praxa (in panic😳😟)

Honey = what happen...(worried tone😧)

Maya= praxa she is not opening her eyes I tried but she is not moving please come with me😞

Honey = let it be I don’t care😏 even she must be sleeping or doing drama and if she die then we will throw her in depth of the ocean and we will declared that she run away without our information even we send our best team to find her but then we lost (with smirk😏)

Andy = (his temper became high😡 and slap honey) what are you saying, are you in your sense just go otherwise she will die and this is not way to take revenge (in angry tone)

Honey = (her tear were on verge of eye but she control to not drop it down) I will not and that's my revenge I can do whatever I wish too ok you have no control on that so just leave this topic (louder tone in anger)😡

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Honey = (her tear were on verge of eye but she control to not drop it down) I will not and that's my revenge I can do whatever I wish too ok you have no control on that so just leave this topic (louder tone in anger)😡

Andy = (he serious face) ok then leave

Honey = what!!!!😨

Andy = I said leave from here (shouted at highest note)😠

Honey = but why (innocent face)😳

Andy = I said get lost from here I don’t want you here just get out (in louder tone)😤

Slady = andy what are you saying just think before you speak😧

Aadi = yes buddy she is already hurt in pain, try to understand😟

Andy = I said out means out (in angry tone)😡

Honey = are you serious (in pain tone)😳😰

Andy = yes now out from my house😡

Honey = (tear were flowing like river but with guts she smiled 🙂and said) Ooo thanks for remaining me that this is YOUR home. So I was thinking wrong  that this is our home (she wipe her tear😢) but yes I forget that this is your home even I don’t belong to this house even not belong to person who are living right ok I am going have nice life with YOUR HOME (in sarcastic tone)

Slady = (crying tone 😣) andy please stop her please she will really go and this time I don’t think she will come back or if we will try to find out, it would be as difficult to find sugar piece in ocean. I can’t stop her but you can stop , in her high temper that you know...her mind will started recollecting old memories that will harm her health but I can make you understand that please stop her if not today then you will lose her forever please andy I am begging you leave your anger and ego aside otherwise it will destroy your lovely life (crying like mad😭) go and stop her

Aadi = yes buddy go and stop her she will stop if you say otherwise it will create a big mess😰😰😰😥

Andy = (realize that what he said was wrong because she is doing this, only to teach lesson to the rival) yes I will I have to stop her otherwise I will lose her forever (in panic tone)

Andy = (realize that what he said was wrong because she is doing this, only to teach lesson to the rival) yes I will I have to stop her otherwise I will lose her forever (in panic tone)

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[but before he could stop she already reach to the main gate. She was totally mess up by andy word’s, her mind and heart were not ready to accept the situation that andy can do this to her.]

Andy = (shout in painful voice) angel… wait please don’t go I am sorry please come baby see I am sorry please come back

Slady = yes honey please come back see andy is worried for you please come back for andy.. (In pleading tone)

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