Part 12

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{At honey-andy house}

Honey = (sleeping peacefully but after sometime she started sweating hard even started cuddling and speaking) water I want water, Andy where are you I want to drink water(but after sometime she realized that he is gone for work) O god I am not able even stand how will I drink water, but I have to do anyhow even I have increase the temperature of AC

[She got up and went to see water jug on side table but it was not there]

Honey = I think he forgot to keep it. But it is ok, because he was in hurry. I think i should get up and drink it

[Honey got up and went to kitchen with shivering legs. And after reaching in kitchen she take out water bottle from fridge and started drinking it but all of sudden her head started spinning around heavy and after that she became unconscious and fallen down in kitchen. Till andy came home evening]

Andy= (talking to himself) why I am getting bad vibes like something is happen or something is going to happen

[andycame home feel something different, like always honey come and open the main door while he is parking car. But today she even not open the door, but then he thought that she might be sleeping. But when he enter in home it was dark and weird silence was spread in house]

Andy= hey angel I am back where r u

[no respond]

Andy= (went into bed room to wake up her but see was missing) baby where r u please don't play hide and seek I am not in mood of that (while saying this he open the door of bathroom but there also she was not there)

Andy= (self-talk) I think she might be in balcony (so he when up to find his angel even started shouting angel, baby. But when he entered she was not there. So now he started running here and there while shouting baby my angel please come out I am tired now. He checked each and every room but she was not there. Even he went to terrace to see her but she was not found there also)

[he came down and seat on sofa but suddenly he stand up because he saw water coming out from kitchen so he went in to see but what he really see is make him more scared, horrified, worry, angry, and what not because all emotion were coming out at that time and he saw was honey is lying down in weird manner unconscious and her whole body was sweating like some have pour water on all over her body]

Andy= honey (a big great voice came out of his mouth and tears started following and carry her towards bed room and made her sleep carefully. And called slady)

Andycalled slady

Andy= hello (in scare)

Slady = yes andywhat happen (in worry)

Andy= honey (he voice was shivering) she became unconscious and fall in kitchen and not even having her lunch please come home faster as possible and called aadi also, say to come here

Slady = yes I will and I am coming there u just take care of her, don't become weak stay strong because honey need it most

Andy= yes but please come fast

Hang up the call

[after few min slady came with aadi and ring the door bell]

Andy= (open the door) come in

Slady = yes come aadi this is your friend honey's home. he is her husband Andy

Aadi = hi

Andy= hello

Andy= slady, honey she (and started crying) became unconscious

Slady = yes but don't cry we all r there. She will be fine

Aadi = where is she I want see her

Andy= she is in our bedroom. Come with me

Slady = I will make sacchi sleep in other room and coming to there

Andy= yes

Andy= (open the door and find honey in weird shape manner sleeping) honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(And hug her tightly)

Aadi = hey bro let me check her

Andy= yes

Aadi = but for that u have to come to hospital right now and don't worry I have done all arrangements

Andy= ok then lets go (meanwhile slady came)

Slady = so what now

Andy= we all r going to hospital

Slady = ok done

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