Part 84

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Andy - what your thinking honey

Honey – nothing just something came up from the past

Andy – hmm it's ok to think of past but don't let the past bother you (said in calm tone)

Honey – andy I want to say something (in sad tone)

Andy – yes baby you can tell

Honey – actually I am think to do meeting of the models at our place, in this meeting it will totally formal

Andy – its nice idea, but why are you talking like you want permission

Honey – because when I say models then in that armaan is also include, so I want the ask you that will you be comfortable with this. Even he will stay in mansion with us .

Andy – see honey I don't have any problem you can invite and as for the armaan then why I feel like you are uncomfortable. (Caring her cheeks) see honey one day or another you have face him right!

Honey – (in lost sound) hmm that's true I will.

Andy – see angel I know past is always hard , even it gets more harder when you again face it in the future. And for the armaan then trust me, he is not at the fault. Because when slady call and informed about your situation, he was willingly to risk his career for you. He said that he will take you back in Paris and he will not resume his career until you are not fully recovered. He also convince his mother and guess what his whole family was going to shift in Paris. So if you think that armaan leaved you bcz of your accident then your totally wrong.

Honey – then why he don't came to meet me once (in sad tone)

Andy – bcz he was scared , what if after seeing him your brain react something stressful. So he never came to visit you but he was always there. Slady have reported every single event happened in till now. So many times he felt sorry for the condition you were going through. even when you were admitted at Aadi's hospital he was there. He even call slady to get information about your condition. And by some research he came across to the kaushal's hospital over here. So he inform aadi to take you here. Don't judge him or don't frame him as in wrong person So now stop all this and start working.

Honey – andy I am tired I want to go home. Can I go alone! I will be safe at home. Don't worry about me. And please be careful around alya, because I don't way but she is not giving me good vibe today. [in sad tone]

Andy – OK then why don't you do one thing? I will come with you.

Honey - andy I said I want to go home alone.

Andy – what happen why all of the sudden.

Honey – I don't know. But I am going alone to home is final and you stay here and monitor the work.

Andy – ok go but be safe. [and hugged her tightly]

{Honey left from the company and instead of going towards the home, she went away from the city. She went near the lake which was in outskirt of Paris. She parked her car and sat on the near by bench with water bottle aside. And started thinking about her past, and the train of thoughts started running inside her brain.}

{Here in the office...}

Andy – (called at mansion) what honey is not reached yet. But it's been while she left from the office.

Mary – andy I think may be she went to meet aadi.

Andy - ok no worries I will call and check what the status is

(end call and called aadi)

Aadi – hello andy how are you? (In joyful manner)

Andy – aadi is honey with you?

Aadi – no why what happened

Andy - she left office by saying that she want to go home, so I lets her go alone. It was her wish to go alone. but I should have understand her behavior. (in sad and angry tone) I am so idiotic person.

Aadi - hey andy its totally fine relax she will come back.

Andy – no I can't relax. I am going ...

Aadi – where you will go?

Andy – I don't but I will find

Aadi - ok but be careful and inform me if you got to know something

Andy – ok I will

[here outside the cabin slady listen all the conversation and directly call the IT department and ask them to track honey's car and phone. And after sometime she got to know that honey went to outskirts of Paris and there is some kind of lake, or she entered in the cabin]

Slady – andy I found her and here is location

[how you got the location, I over hear the conversation, ok fine now you go and bring her home, and on the other side a black car approach near the lake, and man came out of the car and went near honey and tap on her shoulder, honey turn and she is shocked {guess who sagar or armaan}]

Honey- you! Why you came so early...

Person- because I had some work over here so I thought to come early.

Honey- armaan can explain me

Armaan – see honey I am here for work, so don't overthink and don't worry. Actually i was passing by and I saw someone sitting here and when I looking clearing it was you and by looking at you I thought it you were no in a good state of mind. And I know how your body and mind react when you not in better state. Inshort I was worried that's why I came toward you.

Honey – (in broken voice) listen armaan malik I don't want you and your attention even your worried bcz it's all fake so please leave me .... Please leave me alone as you did in past go away walk away please.

Armaan – honey you are totally taking me wrong. I did walk away but I never leaved you alone and trust me on that honey. (spoke while tears in his eye)

[Car approach... andy came running toward them.]

Andy – (in angry tone) honey what is this childish behavior hmm.. do you know how tensed I was even not only me but saldy, aadi, and mary you have any idea that what can be happen if you just go somewhere else without information.

Honey - (in rude tone) then how come you know that I am here? And if my behavior is childish, why don't you do one thing. Just leave me leave alone just like armaan. Even you also told me in past that "leave from my house" so yes it will be ok for me even better to leave so that you can live peacefully. (stood up and started walking but armaan hold her from arm.)

Armaan – (in calm tone) honey I think so should not speak like this.

Andy – (sweet voice) baby lets go home... please

Honey – (started crying) hmm (and when inside her car)

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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