chapter 1

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In hospital at night 11:00pm

Slady : ahh doctor ...

Honey: Slady just one more time please just one more

Doctor: yes, just one push please

Slady again pushed and we can hear baby crying

Doctor: It baby girl

Slady is in tear of happiness that finally god gifted an angel to her life

Honey: are u ok Slady I was scared (and suddenly she started crying very emotional and sensitive honey) like I will lose u (and hug her)

[mean while doctor came with baby and gave list of medicine which needed for mother and child]

doctor: honey take It, this Is a list of medicine

[honey got scared by listening name of medicine (honey cannot control her emotions so all her emotion her face expresses)]

Doctor: don't worry both are fit and fine even baby Is too health and strong but medicines are vitamins and pain killers

Honey: hmmm... then ok doctor I will go and buy this

[honey went to store but there was a line so honey also jointed queue to buy needful ]

{Here In room}

Doctor: so Slady did you think about baby's name hmm..

Slady: yes, her name will be Sachi

Doctor : great name so now I will take your leave, you take rest and call the nurse if you need anything.

Slady: ok doctor thank you

Doctor: nurse will come on her time to check you and baby and give needed medicine yes, please feed baby after every 2 hours.

Slady: ok doctor

[doctor go]

In the room Slady turned off the lights and with a small light is feeding her baby sachi with her back facing the door when the door opens and shadow of man is seen entering the room when Slady felt someone is behind her and she turned on lights thinking it to be honey and turned around to see a man

Slady: andy sir?

Andy pov

I just came to visit my friend In hospital but suddenly I saw honey In medical shop so I thought that Slady must be there so I ask In reception so she told me about her and went to her room

pov end

andy: Slady are you ok? u have a baby?... (confused look)

Slady: yes, just few hour ago I gave a birth to baby girl (with smile)

Andy: so, u came alone great!!!

Slady: no, I am not alone honey Is also there with me but just now she Is gone to store to buy the medicine with doctor have given list.

andy: where is your husband? And family?

Slady: hm he...he.. he di..ed. (tearing up)

andy: what? How? When?

Slady: 6 months back in a car accident. But I'm fine now honey didn't leave me for a minute and my family! They live in our home town so they are there will come soon.

andy: I know it must be hard but can... can I be t..the one who can ta..take care of you and your child?

Slady: what do u mean?

andy: I want to marry u, will u marry me Slady

shock written all over Slady's face but was replaced by anger soon

Slady: how dare you speak that? you are already married! And more over I love my husband.

andy: she was good (with dull expression)

Slady: what do you mean by 'was'?

andy: mean she was too busy In her work that she was not able take time out for us and we used to fight all the time due to that. Even I tried to make her understand that I needed her but she was stubborn never understand my feeling. so one day I thought to bring back the romance and take her out on date but suddenly she handed me some paper and what now It was divorce paper In which she have already sign so I also decide to sign

Slady: but I can't marry you never ever In my life so please

[all of sudden andy start laughing]

andy: chill chill super mom I will not marry you but I want to marry someone else and you will help me. She is super cute and I have admired her from long time but now I know I love her so I want her and you will convincer her to marry me.

Slady: do I know her?

Andy: yes your sister.

Slady: nandu?

Andy nods

Slady: but her marriage next month with aarav 

MANAN: HER WISH HIS COMMANDWhere stories live. Discover now